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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I really thought the current generation of gaming (PS3, 360, Wii) was going to be the last time I'd really care for gaming.  With Nintendo releasing the WiiU and the two recent conferences by Sony and Microsoft, I thought I wouldn't dive into the new generation balls deep.  I thought I would just lay back, play some fighitng games casually or go on my pc and play some free-to-play games or play League of Legends (Yuck) with some friends.  In the past, I've bought or borrowed (for an extended period of time) all the "Big 3" systems of the the current and past generations (PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube...Sorry Dreamcast, I consider you the generation prior to that) and never had a bias or favorite in the console wars, ALTHOUGH I did find some features of some better than others. 

As a gamer, e3 is always an anxious time because we want to know what new hardware or games are coming out for the systems we have or looking forward to purchasing.  That being said, this being the internet age, we are spoiled due to the fact that nothing is secret or nothing surprises us now because we can get the information on games/hardware almost instantly rather than waiting for a magazine to tell us.  I will say this, I WAS REALLY SURPRISED BY MANY OF THE THING UNVEILED TODAY DURING THE FIRST DAY OF E3.  I am going to try and bullet point the 4 main conferences today (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, and Sony) .  Hopefully tomorrow I can touch on what Ninendo has to offer since they aren’t having a conference but rather have multiple Best Buy stores show off what they are going to be unveiling.  These Best Buy locations are listed here
so that anyone can go see what they are going to be showing off if you are near any of those areas.

  • Xbox One has a $499 and Launches in November
  • Microsoft Points are dead (A plus since the denomination is ridiculous and I hate having spare points with nothing to buy)
  • Halo… Yup
  • Some Good exclusives: Respawn, Killer Instinct 3 (BEEN WAITING ABOUT 15 YEARS OF MY LIFE FOR THE 3RD INSTALLMENT. B. Orchid Kreygasm)Forza 5, new Dead Rising game
  • The Trash Talking during the Killer Instinct 3 demo was kind of inappropriate
  • Xbox Live members finally getting free games (A thing Playstation Plus Members have been getting since they first introduced the program)
  • New Xbox 360 model out today
  • Had Hideo Kojima (THE MASTER) talk about the new Metal Gear game
  • Still has the no sharing of games/ No pre-owned unless the store gets permission too
    • Pretty Much no 2nd hand, renting, Gamefly-ing, Amazon/ebay, Mom and Popshop use distribution
  • Must be connected to the internet once every 24 hours
  • Kinect must always be plugged in


  • South Park gaming coming in the end of the year
  • New MMO coming out
  • New Trials game
  • New Assassins Creed Game
  • Just Dance 2014 (One Direction v_v)
  • Rabbids Invasion (really looks good)
  • Fusion (Game kind of looks interesting)

  • New Peggle game
  • New Star Wars Battlefront game (FINALLY)
  • Dragon Age Inquisition (Hopefully better than the last game)
  • New UFC Game
  • Battlefield 4 (A really great competitor to Call of Duty Franchise)
    Mirror’s Edge 2 (Don’t screw it up it looks really really good)
  • Support for the Vita, remakes and some new games (FINALLY)
  • Batman…. 60’s tv version and present day batman
  • Final Unveiling of the console
  • Redbox and Flickster support
  • Indiegame Divekick shown (Pretty cool game from what the demo’s have shown)
  • Diablo 3
  • Square Enix shows off New Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy
  • Shows off some gameplay of Watch Dogs (Game looks really really sick)
  • More Indie games being shown of (Glad Sony is supporting the indie Developer
  • Activision and Bungie (One of the rare Microsoft Exclusive Publishers) show off a special partnership with...
    • and well….this:

In my opinion as of right now, Sony is dominating the console market but nothing has been released so we can't put are eggs in one basket.

Hope Nintendo shows off some good stuff Tuesday

[ Derek "Dr. Universe"]


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