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Monday, June 24, 2013

Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 2 and 3 News

  • Loki will not be in Avengers-2. In  Empire's Film Podcast, Joss confirmed that Loki will not be present for another Hulk-Loki smash or to speak certain words that flew under most people's radar. Please look up the word "quim."
  • Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be in Avengers 2. "[Quicksilver] is in our movie. He's going to be dope. Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are very close to my heart because they were Avengers the whole time I was reading the book as a kid."   
  • Saoirse Ronan recently spoke with The Mary Sue and touched on the notion that Joss Whedon considers her his "prototype" for the Scarlet Witch, but had not been approached yet for the role: "I love Joss and I love those films, and I love his handle on them and how he portrayed these kinds of superheroes. I think it’s very different from what anyone else has done. So yeah, I’d love to be in it."
  • There is no word on who Joss has in mind for Quicksilver, but Bryan Singer has recently cast Evan Peters (Kick Ass, Never Back Down) as the speedster in X-Men: Days of Future Past.  No word on Singer's Scarlet Witch. 
  • Robert Downey, Jr. has signed on to play Tony Stark for at least 2 more movies. It was confirmed by Marvel that he has signed a two-picture agreement to star as everyone's favorite billionaire, playboy, philanthropist in “Marvel’s The Avengers 2” and “Marvel’s The Avengers 3.”
    • This makes me wonder if RDJr was successful in securing pay raises for his Avengers co-stars that he was lobbying for a few months ago.  A source said, "He’s the only guy with real power in this situation. And balls of steel, too. He’s already sent a message that he’s not going to work for a place where they treat his colleagues like s***."
    • Hopefully they all got what they wanted because in an interview with The Daily Beast, Joss Whedon said regarding RDJr, "He is Iron Man. He is Iron Man in the way that Sean Connery was James Bond...I have no intention of making 'Avengers 2' without him, nor do I think I’ll be called upon to do that. I don't think it's in my interest, Marvel's interest, or his interest, and I think everything will be fine." 
    • No word on an Iron Man 4.  

  • John C. Reilly was recently cast as Rhomann Dey, leader of the Nova Corps, in Guardians of the Galaxy. 
  • Ant-Man will be part of PHASE 3 with its expected release date in November 2015. It is still early in its development phase but test footage leaked out and it's pretty awesome. There would be a link HERE if Disney-Marvel interns weren't so on point with getting videos taken down. 
  • Disney-Marvel has set sights as far as 2017 for Phase 3. As it stands Ant-Man is expected to premiere on November, 6, 2015. 
    • Unnamed Project-1 will be released May 5th, 2016.  
    • Unnamed Project-2 will be released just two months later on July 8th, 2016. 
    • Unnamed Project-3 will be released May 5, 2017.  
    • No confirmations on what those movies will be, but common speculations include Doctor Strange and Black Panther.

Unrelated to Avengers news, in the Empire Magazine podcast, Joss Whedon said, "I don't find people to be expendable. I know that I have this reputation that if I never hear about for the rest of my life, it will be just fine with me. It is beyond annoying. I believe that my work exists for other reasons, but it is on everyone's lips - its what they always talk about. I haven't seen Game (of Thrones), so I don't know the way in which he does it so I'm just going to say, 'Keep killing them! If you and Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) can just carry the banner and let me rest, that would be great.'"


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