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Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Fall of the Eleventh: BBC Announces Matt Smith's Exit from Doctor Who

Matt Smith

BBC has announced that Matt Smith will complete his tenure as the Doctor by the end of next year during the 2013 Christmas Special. AAHHH!!!! We now have one further thing to theorize and talk about until the next series returns in November.

We've been fairly warned. We saw the fields of Trenzelore in the series finale a few weeks ago which has led us to wonder if "the fall of the Eleventh" has begun. This announcement confirms it.

It's worth going to see the BBC announcement as it includes a wonderful statement from Matt Smith regarding his exit and time on the show.

The beginning of the end is here; there's no denying it now.

With Bated Breath,


  1. I'm kinda bummed that Matt Smith's leaving Doctor Who as i'd just begun to really love him in the role, but we all know that a regeneration isn't too far off when it comes to The Doctor. As it seems that the next regeneration will happen during the Christmas Special, it looks like the first item on this year's Christmas list is this: Idris Elba for the next Doctor, please Santa.

  2. As devastated as I'll be to see Matt Smith go, I've had a gut feeling for a while that his era was coming to close, so, I wasn't too surprised. My fear of his regeneration that could be around any corner had me mentally preparing!!

    And yes!! Idris Elba would be very cool. I wouldn't like a well known actor to play the Doctor, but he's juuuust unknown (couldn't think of a better word) enough to still be able to do it. He's on the brink of stardom, so he could do it now before he gets "big"... even though he's a star to lots of us already!! I love him!!!!!

    xoxo Heather

  3. There's been plenty of speculation this morning in the UK press with reports suggesting that Rory Kinnear (M from Quantum of Solace & Skyfall) was a dead cert for the role. Other names mentioned were Rupert Grint (Yay!), Idris Elba (Double yay!), Tom Hiddleston (Yay!) and Tilda Swinton (Yay!).

    Although I love Tilda Swinton as an actress, my only concern with there being a female Doctor is that it'd be seen by some as just being a gimmick done to appease some of those that claimed, not so long ago, that Doctor Who was sexist.

    I do honestly believe though that it'll be none of the names mentioned and will in fact be someone that I've never even heard of, much like Matt Smith was when he was revealed to be Tennant's replacement. That being said though, I'll continue to lap up every little nugget of speculation until the big reveal at Christmas.

    Oh, and in my excitement at finally figuring out how to post a comment, I forgot to sign my previous comments, so I'll just start signing comments from this point on.

    Your fellow dorkian, Justin.

  4. Woohoo, hello my dork brother!! Yeah, I don't think they'll go for big names for the next Doctor. It'll be an unknown. I'm pretty positive. Look what casting gem they found in Matt Smith!! I'm sure the next Doctor will be amazing!!!

    xoxo H


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