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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Want to go to Mars?

Do you have what it takes to be among the first people to live on the red planet?  A Dutch start-up, MARS-ONE plans to start sending over colonists in 2022 with additional screws being sent every 2 years. YOU CAN BE ONE OF THEM!

According to their site, applicants do not need to be medical doctors, pilots or geologists.  While education, skills, and real world experience will most likely play a part in the selection process, their base requirements are that applicants are "18 years of age, have a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection and ability to trust."  All skills required for life on Mars will be learned during training.  Each candidate will undergo a minimum of eight years of training before stepping foot on Mars.

If you were one of the kids at sleep away camp that cried at night because you were homesick, do not apply. MARS-ONE is only issuing one way tickets.  Colonists are expected to live out the rest of their lives on Mars.  This fact along with the 8 years of training should weed-out would be astronauts from living out fantasies of traipsing around on Barsoom (Edgar Rice Burroughs reference).

For more details on becoming a Mars colonist, check out MARS-ONE's website.


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