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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wrapping Up the Doctor Who Christmas Special

Doctor Who’s Christmas special, The Snowmen, was just fantastic and brilliantly set the stage for the new upcoming season. It had so many fabulous elements that I had to write my favorites down as a list!! I’ll start with my top favorite element... the magic!!!

Disclaimers: I am a huge fan of Doctor Who and highly biased towards loving everything in each episode. Also, I throw traditional and technically correct forms of writing to the wind. I should also warn there may be a few spoilers sprinkled in. (I daresay it's safe to throw them in by now.)

Without further ado, I give you my list:


Invisible staircase. Invisible I say!!! Initially. Once you’re on it you can see that it is actually a beautiful victorian staircase to the heavens, except, without the painfully long climb. Clearly, it had some kind of “something” to it that made the climb to the stars and clouds not quite so long. I repeat, imagine yourself winding upwards through wispy clouds with the universe’s stars as your back drop. That’s magic. The last time I felt that kind of fantastical wowness was when Superman took Louis flying through the clouds.

For the particularly pedantic, I should clarify that none of it was actually magic. As we all know, the Doctor simply employs all kinds of amazing science.

Quotable Lines!

Within a day, Clara’s remark about the TARDIS was all over the internet and is still doing the rounds.

In addition, the cranky banter between the Doctor and the surprisingly returned and newly befuddled Strax totally falls within quotable bounds. It was a bit hard to hear the Doctor be so cutting with Strax, but then again, we all know the Doctor can get rather cross at times. Strax was particularly hilarious and I want to watch it all again so I can include his lines into my every day life!

Also, pretty much everything out of Clara’s mouth is quotable. She. Is. So. Awesome.

Fandom Crossovers!

Sherlock Holmes!! Clearly a nod at BBC’s Sherlock. (Doctor Who’s current head writer, Stephen Moffat, is also one of the lead brains behind BBC’s Sherlock.) He poses as the famous literary detective; and his abysmal attempts at personifying Sherlock were absolutely brilliant! When he saw his opportunity to truly “sleuth” beyond posing as Sherlock, he switched to being his hilariously awkward alien self when he’s working out a problem. (I just love that element of this incarnation of the Doctor.)

Also... “Winter is coming”. Yes, they obviously referenced that. You know of what I speak.

Kick Ass Victorian Lizard Samurai Lady.. err, Costumes! 

Top hats!! Three piece suits!! Victorian gowns! With a dash of mysterious veils and swashbuckling victorian jedi with a samurai wear! (A mouthful, I know, but how else could I have possibly said it?) It’s set in old England; thus a costume and BBC lover’s delight. Also, Sherlock Holmes’ classic outfit!! It made me think of that Sherlock Holmes costume worn by the green Sesame Street muppet with a mustache, Sherlock Hemlock.


More questions! All the necessary fuel for the crazy theory conspirators! (Crack pot theories and the people who invent them are my absolute favorites!!)

Who is Clara?! Why is she destined to repeatedly die!? How does she keep comping back and to varying points in time at that?!! The mystery is wonderfully maddening!

Also, I find Madame Vastra’s rescue of Strax highly intriguing. She brought him back to life!?! What? Amazing. Though, not without it’s flaws in how it’s addled Strax’s brain. I find it fascinating.

MORE to ponder on behalf of the Doctor!

Clearly, he is inconsolable concerning the fate of the Ponds. Much time has passed. (The TARDIS has a rad new console to help indicate this.) As a result of his perceived failures, he’s not helping anybody anywhere. He’s a recluse now. Ironically, that’s the kind of villain he ends up confronting in this episode; it’s a boy who’s isolated himself with his own thoughts projected through a snowman. Anyhoo, what I love about Clara is that she is now clearly predestined to die somehow and it is NOT the Doctor’s fault. At least, not really. I like that. It’s the perfect thing to pull him out of his depression. A grand puzzle and some one to save who’s demise can’t really be at his hands, because she’s fated to die anyway. Plus, he can keep trying each time she dies since she keeps returning to other points in time.  

Moral to the Story!

If you are a lonely child, don’t just talk to your pet snowman. At minimum, I’d recommend a dog who can at least cuddle you back and lick your face. Perhaps a cheerful book? Finding another person to chat to is usually the ideal so one doesn’t get stuck in a negative cycle of thought.

There was also a little something in there about dads not being big fat chickens when it comes to their children.

In Conclusion...

...all that now remains are our theories and the agonizing wait until the Doctor returns in April. Speaking of which, I just love theories and would be delighted by links to blogs containing them sent to my twitter. Fire away! And watch Doctor Who!

Till next time, my pretties!

Faithfully Yours,
The Incredible Dork


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