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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Amazing Spider-Man #700!

It's been a week since this was released and I've had some time to sit with it and read it a few times.  I completely understand how people have gotten their underoos all up in a bunch and are all sorts of mad at Dan Slott. I, on the other hand, don't hate it and thought the writing, art, and pacing was better than some of the other recent issues of ASM.  My only problem with it is that I don't think its entirely worthy of being the "final" issue of ASM.

If you don't like spoilers, you can stop reading now and go check out some other articles or tweet me telling me how much I suck at this or that. 

We finally see why "The Amazing Spider-Man" is finished and the "Superior Spider-Man" is being born - the Peter Parker we know and love dies in ASM700.  *Cue tears and shouts of anger* I hope you weren't shocked. It was bound to happen.  How many other iconic superheroes have died? Spider-Man isn't safe from death either.  There's a scene with Uncle Ben that foreshadows the ending and I spent the rest of the book going "Where is it? Where is it? Boom. There it is."

So the guy we know as Peter Parker is currently dead and Otto Octavius is currently doing the meat puppet thing and is inside of Peter's body. He takes up the mantle of Spider-Man and decides he's going to do it better than Peter ever could and be, you guessed it, the Superior Spider-Man.  Two plot devices we've seen done before; kill the main character and make the bad guy into a good guy.  Not exactly where I would have liked to see a fifty year old title end.  After 50 years, 700 issues, we get an arc that lasts 3 issues and ends with 2 cliches. I would go as far to argue that the Spider-Island or Ends of the Earth story lines would have been a better ways to end the title if the numbering had worked out that way.

Despite some really great moments with Mary Jane and J. Jonah Jameson, I don't consider ASM 700 a new high or even a new low for the title. Just another middle.

Which cover did you pick up?

For some info on what you can expect, check out this interview with Dan Slott by

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