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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Commissioner Gordon Gets His Own Show!

Fox picks up Warner Bros.' GOTHAM with The Mentalist creator, Bruno Heller, taking lead.  Deadline reports that we will see the origin stories of Commissioner James Gordon and some of Gotham City's most notorious villains. 

In GOTHAM, James Gordon will be a detective for the GCPD and has yet to meet Batman, who will not be part of the series. (This could possibly mean that Bruce Wayne has not yet returned from his travels) No word yet if we'll also see Harvey Bullock or Renee Montoya or that hot-head John Blake (is there a YouTube video of all the times John Blake was called a hot-head in TDKR?).

Interesting to see Warner Bros. and Fox developing another DC show while developing the Flash show as an ARROW spinoff. While it would be kind of cool to see some intertwining of the series, it is highly doubtful. So if you were suddenly hoping for Kelly Hu's China White and the Triad to come through or for Gothamites to get hooked on Vertigo and James Gordon going after The Count played by Seth Gabel, it's unlikely at this point. You can still hope.

James Gordon is one of the most prominent mortals in the DC Universe and his back story has been touched upon in several books, most notably in the BatGirl and in Detective Comics. Hopefully GOTHAM delves into Gordon's marriage(s), little nut-job James Jr., and of course his relationship with daughter, Barbara.

It's also worth noting that 2003, The WB Network was close to putting out an adaptation of the GOTHAM CENTRAL comic book which would focused on some of GCPD's Renee Montoya, Crispus Allen, Josie Mac, Marcus Driver and Commissioner Gordon.. The plans were scrapped when Birds of Prey was cancelled and a moratorium was placed on producing anything Bat-related.

James Gordon was introduced in 1939 in the very first Batman comic. He has since been played by Gary Oldman in Nolan's Batman movies, Neil Hamilton in the 1960's Batman series, and Pat Hingle in Burton/Schumacher era.  Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston provided James Gordon's voice in the animated movie, Batman: Year One.

Neil Hamilton
Voiced by Bob Hastings

(via Deadline)


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