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Friday, February 15, 2013

Favorite TV and Movie Couples

Valentines Day has come and gone. So while you're gnawing on heart shaped candy that someone gave you or that you picked up today for 90% off at the store, take a look at some of NGU's favorite couples.

Scott and Ramona from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers are two people who have a lot of baggage from past relationships and are trying to start fresh. Although the odds are against them (having seven evil exes trying to kill you is a pretty tough challenge to overcome), they're ultimately able to help each other move on and give love another try. They provide a surprisingly realistic emotional core to a fantastical movie.

 The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch from The Venture Bros

The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch are two people who are joined in love by their mutual hatred. These two are a typical sit-com couple of a man who is with a woman way out of his league, but with the hilarity and heartfelt moments brought to whole new levels due to their occupation as supervillains. They also show us that the same ups-and-downs that that every couple faces still apply to professional evildoers.

Westley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride

Westley and Princess Buttercup are the quintessential fairytale couple. With a truly pure love born out of humble beginnings on a farm and tested over the course of a years-long absence and a thrilling adventure, they make us believe that "death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for awhile."

From TheAgroCraig:
Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World

America's favorite couple growing up, these two test the limits of a true relationship, first kiss, breaking up, and eventually getting married. Now a daughter?

Link and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda 

Link is crazy about Zelda since he always asks for a kiss from her in the cartoon.  But we all know Zelda wants to do it.  They resemble the crazy off balance chemistry that people have in the world.

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson from Spider-Man:TAS

Who doesn't love a red head?  Peter trusts someone so much to let her know who Spider-Man really is.  If that's not love, what is?

From MoriArty:
Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory

Penny is the social, pretty, pop-culture junkie while Leonard is the geeky, awkward physicist that would rather play 3D chess or Klingon Boggle than go out. What makes them one of my favorites is the situations that their different social tendencies gets them into. To many geeks (those who have ‘normal’, non geeky girlfriends) they are very relatable and even for those who can’t relate, they are often awkward, yet fun to watch. 

Robb Stark and Jeyne Westerling /Talisa Maegyr from Game of Thrones

In the book, Robb marries Jeyne after she looks after him after he gets shot with an arrow during a battle. They fall in love, sleep together and he marries her to keep her honor. In the HBO series, the character is Talisa that he does that with (Talisa appears nowhere in the books). Regardless of which one you go with, their love for each other and their bond is so strong amongst so much opposition (Robb was betrothed to one of Frey’s daughter) and [SPOILER ALERT] they risked everything to be together. 

From TerrHimself:
Eric Draven and Shelly Webster from The Crow
On the eve of their Halloween wedding, rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiance, Shelly, are murdered by gang members.  Unable to rest in peace, a crow bring Eric back from the dead to make the wrong things right.  We don't get to see that much interaction between the couple, but we are treated to flashback of their most tender moments.  At the end of the movie, we're reminded that "Buildings burn, People die, But real Love is Forever."

Clark and Lana from Smallville

In the beginning of the series, its the classic tale of a boy trying to get a girl he can't have while also being as polite and gentlemanly as he can.  Later on, it progresses into nurturing a friendship (and eventual romantic relationship) while keeping a huge secret - How do you tell a girl you love, "Hey, remember that meteor shower that killed your parents? i came to Earth on space ship in the middle of that meteor shower. Also, i have super powers and saved your life and this town a hundred dozen times." Toward the end of Lana's run on Smallville, their relationship becomes a "I love you and you love me, but we just can't be together."

Chuck and Sarah from CHUCK

She's a beautiful, blond, killer spy. He's a nerdy, college drop out, who works as a computer repair technician. Of course they should be together.  Chuck has a computer in his brain filled with America's clandestine secrets and whole bunch of awesome James Bond skills. Sarah is assigned to protect him and their love blossoms as they go through various missions stopping terrorists and bringing down cartels.  One of the enduring aspects of Chuck and Sarah coming together is how they both see more in each other than they see in themselves.  

We hope that you had a nice Valentines Day. If it was just another Thursday for you, we hope it was awesome.  Remember to show/tell the people that you love that you love them every day. And if someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!


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