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Monday, December 17, 2012

SyFy developing Waterworld remake!

Imagine a not-too-distant future where global warming lead to the melting of the polar ice caps drowning the entire world. Now, imagine a movie about this world, starring Kevin Costner, having one of the largest budgets at the time and only being a mediocre film. Well this movie has become a cult favorite and SyFy is giving us a remake!

The folks over at reports that SyFy is definitely moving along with this. Last month, Forbes reported that this was a possibility since SyFy and Universal Pictures has been putting money into a development fund and the original film is known for drawing (relatively) large number on the network. One of the last airings of Waterworld on SyFy brought in around 400,000 viewers.

The movie has a fairly unique take on a post-apocalyptic world and maybe a remake is just what it needs.  With the advancements in technology over the past 17 years, it could look a great deal better and would be cheaper to produce.

So with development just beginning, who knows how long it will be until we see the nameless mariner taking a wizz into that science contraption thing and drinking clean water.

Tell us what you thought of the original film!
Any other movies you want SyFy to consider remaking?


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