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Friday, April 19, 2013

Doctor Who in Cold War

Guess where the TARDIS dropped these two off?
Hint: It wasn't Las Vegas!

The "Viva Las VeeGAAH!!" moment at the beginning reminded me of a favorite exchange between the Doctor and his beloved TARDIS back in "The Doctors Wife" episode:

The Doctor: You know, since we're talking with mouths, not really an opportunity that comes along very often, I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable.
Idris [TARDIS]: And you have?
The Doctor: YOU didn't always take me where I wanted to go.
Idris [TARDIS]: No, but I always took you where you needed to go.
The Doctor: You did!

She, the TARDIS, clearly steered them away from their intended destination of Las Vegas in the 80's (Clara even wore a super cute TYPICAL 80's taffeta dress) to a Russian submarine during the Cold War of the 80's. With an alien.

Not just ANY alien!!! An Ice Warrior, an alien race the Doctor has encountered before. Back in his Second generation days and beyond. I'm seriously loving all these tie ins back to the old days. The beauty of Doctor Who is that we often get to see old aliens come back for modern episodes. I think we're getting it in spades for the upcoming 50th Anniversary.

Anyway, the super cool thing this time around, is that we got to see the Ice Warrior (sort of) OUT of his armor. I felt like I was watching a slightly more kid friendly version of Alien. Ya know, when the killer alien is out of sight, but you you *know* it's there, and everyone is getting picked off while hunting it down through dark tight passageways. More than that, we got what we LOVE from this show: aliens in the flesh and not CGI. Sure there were CGI moments, but there's something extra creepy about obviously TANGIBLE reptilian hands creeping out to grab people from above or behind. That's probably my favorite part of this particular episode. The creepiness and the alien hands! AND!!!.... Spaceships!!!!! Those Ice Warriors have a FREAKIN' AWESOME spaceship in the 80's!!! If the thought of BSG, Star Trek, and Star Wars gives you feelings...then the moment the alien ships descend will give you feelings, too! I'm not sorry, there is just something BAM! cool about having spaceships on your TV screen.

This episode was what I would class as a very typical Doctor Who episode. If you combine all the episodes of the past and present together, this would be one of the results you could get. Its classic Who. Its your stand-alone ep that anyone could jump into and watch. It's a piece of time (the cold war era nukes and all), it's scary, it's humor, it's the Doctor being clever AND knowing soooo much about so many aliens and histories, and it's saving the world!
Clara: Saved the world then?
The Doctor: Yeah. That's what we do.
The Ice Warrior alien wasn't the only tie in from Classic Who. Check out this little beauty comparing scenes between Two and Eleven (referring to which incarnation of the Doctor):

See you at the next episode! Looks like we're gonna need our pillows and loved ones for it. If you get scared easily, keep the lights on because next, we Hide!!!

Sincerest Bright Wishes,
The Incredible Dork

PS- OMGAH....have you seen the new poster and title for the season finale??!!!!!! *faints*

More new posters for the next bunch of upcoming Doctor Who episodes can be seen here!


  1. PSS- OH MY GOD yous guys!! I forgot to mention the "Hungry Like the Wolf" song in this episode!!! Is that a cue to remind us of Bad Wolf??!! If so, it's just making The Bad Wolfed Clara Theory seem more and more possible! (I linked to that theory in my last Doctor Who post, Beauty in the Rings of Akhaten).


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