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Thursday, April 11, 2013

FOX vs. Jayne Hats

If you've been to a comic-con in the past 10 years, you've probably seen a few of these hats.  (Heck, my friends and I make a game of counting Jayne Hats every year at NYCC.) Many of these hats are hand made by fans and sold to other fans via Etsy. Well those days are gone.  Over the past few weeks, FOX has been issuing cease-and-desist letters or have gotten sellers banned by Etsy.  Yep, Fox hates Browncoats and has taken away the show, your ability to sell Jayne Hats and is keeping GLEE on the air. I'm kidding...sort of.

FOX owns the rights to Firefly. FOX has the ability to issue/sell licenses to manufacturers so that they may officially create something and sell it. FOX has the obligation to its shareholders and licensed manufacturers to defend their licenses and products. Ripple Junction currently holds the license to manufacture and sell Jayne Hats which they do through sites like THINK GEEK.

THINK GEEK has reached out to fans and have agreed to give 100% of Jayne Hat profits to CAN'T STOP THE SERENITY:

 "Browncoats, we hear your concerns about the cease and desist on Etsy Jayne Hat sellers!

We weren't involved in that process, but we have reached out to FOX and we've heard what you've had to say. As a result, we've decided to donate the profits from all Jayne Hat sales on our site to Can't Stop the Serenity, a Browncoat charity dear to ThinkGeek's heart that raises funds and awareness in support of Equality Now. We'll continue making that donation until we run out of stock.

We hope the Hero of Canton himself would approve."

So while the most cunning hat in the 'verse will no longer be available on Etsy, you can swear by your pretty floral bonnets that Jayne Hats will never float off into the black.  Buy them from ThinkGeek and give a bit to charity or go the DIY route just like Jayne's mom and make it with love.


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