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Friday, April 5, 2013

The Bells of St. John Party

May the geeking out officially commence!!
This is not a review, this is an invitation to party online with me over Doctor Who.
Totes spoilery.

First off, I must say the new intro to the show is killing me with joy. I freaking love how new yet totally  Classic Who it is!! I forgot to mention that last time when I did my review of the christmas special!!

Next. HOW COOL was it when we discovered what the bells of St. John actually were!!? Along with being transported to an older time, hearing them and knowing what they were before seeing them followed by making the connection to "St. John" was a really great feeling.

Now, onto meatier matters. Every one is raging with delight over the book 'Summer Falls" by Amelia Pond Williams. 

OMG...noooo I don't wanna cry my eyes out! Wait, yes I do!!! No... aaaahhhhh!!
It's available as an ebook in iTunes and Amazon. MUST. GET. 

Back to the meaty stuff, the book synopsis seems to me like a tie-in to the 50th Anniversary Special. In a recent interview, Matt Smith gave a TINY clue about it. All he could say was "Paintings". Now, cue this excerpt from the synopsis of the book: "But when she discovers a mysterious painting entitled 'The Lord of Winter' in a charity shop...". Mysterious painting, hhmmm? Connected? Perhaps! Or I could be reaching...

Now, onto The Lord of Winter in, same as the baddy from The Snowment?! The Intelligence? Is that who the villain was in The Bells of Saint John? The intelligence DID take that boy as a child much like that woman was taken in The Bells of Saint John! The only difference this time was that her mind was entirely taken over. Which, by the way, HOW SAD WAS THAT!!!?

Next tangent.

Clara got the number to the TARDIS from a girl in a shop, "Just a girl in a shop." She said it was the best help you could get. I know I already tweeted this thought, but seriously, it has to be said again. ROSE REFERRED TO HERSELF AS JUST A GIRL IN A SHOP. Granted, that was EARLY Rose...but that would be the perfect Rose to still be working in a shop yet have the number to the TARDIS. O.O Another tie-in to the 50th special perhaps?!!!! We do know that Billie Piper will back for that episode along with David Tennant. *dies*

I know there is probably a lot more in that episode to delve into. I must watch it again!! I must HEAR FROM YOU!!! What did you catch in that episode!!? Let's theorize! Write me in the comments section! I'll write back! This time we won't have the 140 character limit that we have on Twitter! I know I have more I want to say about the episode, but I don't want to say everything there is to say and miss out on conversation. I'm sure you have input, too!!

I'm not signing out. I shall await your replies. Hit me up!!

I'll start my first random comment with this... cool was that? I got the shivers when I saw that. Love it. Under My Protection.

Also, to wet our whistles as we wait for the next episode coming up very soon,  here are a bunch of clips for The Rings of Akhaten.


  1. Okay, I can't hold it in any longer! I gotta post more. I luuuurve the Oswin explanation! "Oswald FTW = Oswin!"... She calls herself Oswin in Asylum of the Daleks and this explains why she is such a genius computer hacker! My question now is, why didn't she recognize the Doctor? Or...did she KNOW...and knew enough at that point that she was dealing with a younger Doctor that didn't know how she was and therefore chose her words carefully? Or is she a whole new Clara again, but somehow goes by Oswin again and can hack computers?

  2. Well, after watching The Rings of Akhaten we now know what the leaf was all about!!! Now we need to find out about the missing years in her diary in the last episode. I saw that year 23 was missing. Not sure if I missed any other years. Wonder what that's all about. Looking forward to finding out!


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