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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Deleted Scene from Thor!

Marvel Cinematic Universe "PHASE ONE" box set will be available for pre-order later today and the awesome folks at Marvel have released one of the deleted scenes from THOR to keep us satiated until that glorious box set gets to our grubby paws.

See the video after the jump!

Remember how in the end credits of THOR we follow this beam of light across the cosmos? Well the scene below shows us that it was Jane Foster, Darcy, and Dr. Selvig sending a message to Thor to help him find his way back.

One of the most important things to note is Selvig's mention of S.W.O.R.D., the Sentient World Observation and Response Department.  *gasps*

The PHASE ONE dvd box set will be available for pre-order today and will get to stores by April 2, 2013.  We'll be getting deleted scenes, some extended ones, and a look at the PHASE TWO movies; Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Guardians of the Galaxy, and Avengers 2.



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