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Friday, July 26, 2013

Movie Review: Pacific Rim + POSTER CONTEST

Pacific Rim is a prime example of the fact that simplicity can go hand-in-hand with quality when it comes to summer blockbusters. Instead of giving us a convoluted plot and surprises at every turn, we’re treated to a simple premise and simple characters with straightforward motivations. Some of these characters are archetypal to a very high degree, but they fit well within the framework of the story and are (in most cases) perfectly portrayed by the actors (particularly Idris Elba, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman, and Ron Perlman).

The simple plot that we’re introduced to is that giant monsters called Kaiju have been attacking cities all over the planet and that humanity needs to fight back using giant machines called Jaegers in order to save themselves from certain destruction. Our simple but effective cast of characters is comprised of a jaded former pilot looking to reclaim his former glory (Charlie Hunnam), a rookie pilot looking to prove herself (Rinko Kikuchi), a hardened military leader willing to do anything to win the war (Idris Elba), and a pair of scientists (Charlie Day and Burn Gorman) trying to discover how to put a final stop to the beasts threatening mankind. Even though we’ve seen virtually every element of this story before in other films, television shows, comics, and books, there is still never a dull moment.

Drawing clear influences from anime and other giant monster movies in terms of the setting and plot, Pacific Rim is still intended to be wholly original in terms of the design of the Jaegers and Kaiju; and it definitely shows. They’re recognizable on a basic level as mechs and kaiju but are completely their own at the same time, part of an established world that was clearly made just for them. If I were a young child, I’d be begging my parents to buy me all of the Jaeger and Kaiju toys and would probably spend hours bashing them together on the battlefield of my bedroom floor.

While making you want to buy action figures might not seem like a great reason to categorize Pacific Rim as a good movie, in a strange way it really is indicative of the success the movie has in world-building. It builds such an entertaining world in such a short time that you want to get lost inside it and make your own adventures within it. The film is just as much about the world it creates as it is about the singular story within that world.

In that incomplex story of human survival we’re treated to spectacle in its purest, most heartfelt form. Yes, some of the character beats are a bit cheesy. And yes, some of the action is a bit over the top. But all of these exaggerations come from a place of love of the genres that are being referenced, clearly from the influence of Guillermo del Toro and his childlike love of storytelling, and I had a grin stretching across my face for almost the entire movie.

The fact that such an indulgent but well-done movie like this can still be made by a director with such a passion for the subject is something to celebrate in itself. We always see summer blockbusters with tremendous action sequences and incredible effects, but all too often it seems like they’re done only to showcase those effects, the story being cobbled together as interludes between those action set pieces. *cough Transformers cough*

However, Pacific Rim gives us elementary concepts and tools that have been proven to work in order to make you care about what you’re seeing. Any time action is on the screen, the stakes are understood and the characters’ motivations are clear. Because of that, it will make you laugh, cheer, and will even make you want to tear up a bit. (Or at least it made me want to...) So frequently in advertising for films you’ll see a phrase along the lines of “Like nothing you’ve seen before.” While Pacific Rim may show us things we certainly have seen before, it puts them all together in a really awesome new way, proving that just because you’ve seen something done before doesn’t mean it can’t still be good when it’s done right.

Grade: A

Pacific Rim
Directed by: Guillermo del Toro
Written by: Travis Beacham, Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Rinki Kikuchi, Idris Elba, Charlie Day, Ron Perlman, Burn Gorman
Release Date: July 12th, 2013



NGU Online has five (5) Pacific Rim posters to give away to you guys. The poster (pictured below) is an awesome anime-style depiction of a Jaeger and Kaiju from the film locked in an epic battle. The artwork comes from Sergio Grisanti, who was hand picked by Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro to design the poster. Each poster measures 13.5" x 19.5".


In order to win one of the posters, all you need to do is log onto Twitter and tweet us the name of either one of the of the Jaegers or one of the Kaiju featured in the film. Send your tweet with the Jaeger/Kaiju name to @NGUonline and include the hashtag #GoBigOrGoExtinct. If you're a winner, we'll contact you for your mailing information and send you the poster. Simple as that!

Good luck!


Feel free to reach me on Twitter @JOKftw or post in the comments if you've got any questions or comments!


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