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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians 3D


Knee Jerk Reaction: I enjoyed it! One of the better kid movies that I've seen lately and found that the 3D visuals definitely brought an immersive quality that I haven't experienced in other 3D movies.

If you haven't seen the trailers, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and the Sandman are The Guardians - essentially the mythical equivalent of The Justice League or the Avengers. The Guardians are tasked with preserving children's innocence, imagination and wonder.  Jack Frost is their newest recruit and they must stop the Boogeyman from turning children's dreams into nightmares and destroying their belief in the movie's heroes.

The movie does have a more serious tone than other recent ...
....animated movies (such as Hotel Transylvania and Wreck it Ralph) but there is solid amount of playfulness and comedy.  The Guardians' minions and underlings are definite scene stealers. Look out for Santa's Yetis and Elves and the Tooth Fairy's hummingbird-helper-thingies.

The voice acting was great and I definitely made a point to watch the credits to find out who was who. Chris Pine and Isla Fisher don't do much to disguise their voices although Fisher does use an American accent (which we've heard before). Jude Law's Boogeyman/Pitch is driven and menacing and his only flaw was that he looks too much like Hades (Disney's Hercules) and Voldemort.

Note: Santa is in this and there are many scenes in the North Pole, but this is not necessarily a kids movie.  It mostly takes place around March/April and Easter is a big thing.

-There were some fun flying and sledding sequences, but I did feel like they bordered on overuse and reminiscent of Disney's Tarzan.
-The previously stated Hades/Voldemort look of Pitch (pardon me if this character appears this same way in the children's books that I didn't read)

Overall: B+
A couple instances of voice actors hamming it up, but overall very enjoyable.

If you want to know what animated movies that animated movies we would give A's to, ask us on Twitter!


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