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Thursday, November 8, 2012


Welcome and thanks for visiting this site.  This site is for everyone that was ever told that they need to grow up, for anyone that was told that they shouldn't love the things they love as fiercely as they do. This is for the geeks, the nerds, the dweebs, the outcasts, the freaks, and anyone that got dumped on because of their intense love of a show, book, movie, band, comic book, anime, video game, sport, team, etc.  It's OK. Love it hard. Love it like Lenny from Of Mice and Men loves puppies and chicks with soft hair. 

At TheNGUonline, we're going to do our damnedest to bring you news about all sorts of geeky, nerdy, pop culture stuff.  From science to cosplay - we'll keep you informed and offer the (fairly educated) opinions of our writing staff on all sorts of interesting stuff. If there's something that you love that we haven't covered yet and you think that we should, tell us about it.

In the coming weeks and months, expect news, editorials, podcasts, videos and whatever else we decide to give you. 

If you have a less than Kung-fu grip on reality and don't want to act your age, we got three words for you: NEVER GROW UP!

Your fellow Lost Boys,
TerrHimself, The AgroCraig, and MoriArty

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