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Friday, November 16, 2012

TerrHimself vs. Batman #14

The Death of the Family story arc started up in #13 and there is no letting up.  If you haven't been reading, Mr. J has been away for the past year and has just come back to Gotham to take apart the entire Bat-Family. And as you can see from the cover of #14, Joker has been doing his homework.

The Joker isn't present for most of this issue, but Snyder and Capullo continue to build tension by making sure that we know that his presence is every where - take a look at Bruce's stereo that Batman uses to a play a cassette tape the Joker left for him. Joker is making things personal and a big question on everyone's mind is just how much does the Joker know? Does he know the secret identities?

This issue gives further evidence that no one can get get under Batman's skin the way the Joker can.  There are a couple pages of Batman talking with Nightwing where Batman barely has a grip on his emotions and speaks through his grinding teeth.

Batman has gotten himself an ego since he's bested the Joker so many times in the past, but as the issues in the New 52 have shown us, Batman isn't as great and all knowing as he has been thinking.  You would think that after the Night of Owls, he'd have been knocked down a few pegs.  Well I guess that's the Joker's job to hammer that point in. 

I'm giving this issue a 4.5 out of 5. And that's only because I was less impressed by the back-up story in this issue than I was with the one in #13. If you read #13, then you know what I'm saying. 


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