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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ron Weasley in Superhero Themed Sitcom SUPER CLYDE

Rupert Grint will be putting away his magic wand and squeezing into some spandex in the upcoming pilot, SUPER CLYDE.

Ok, well we're not quite sure if it'll actually be spandex, but he will be starring in the CBS pilot helmed by Raising Hope's EP Greg Garcia. Grint will play the title role of Clyde, a
"...well-meaning and sweet yet slightly neurotic guy who never really feels like he fits in. The avid comic book reader considers himself a borderline agoraphobic with mild-to-severe anxiety issues who wishes he were a superhero himself. When Clyde gets a $100,000-a-month inheritance from his long-dead eccentric Uncle Bill, he decides that the cash will be his secret superpower and will use it only for good and reward the good-hearted."
So it seems to be a little bit Batman, a bit of  The Greatest American Hero, and a bit of Kick-Ass

SUPER CLYDE will also star Stephen Fry as Randolph, the butler. This will be Fry's first U.S. pilot. Tyler Labine will play Clyde's older brother, Duke.

The pilot (directed by Mike Fresco, Raising Hope,  My Name Is Earl) has just begun production.

If you can't wait to see more of Rupert Grint, you can see him in the film Into the White which opens in April.

(via Deadline, THR, and TVline)


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