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Friday, May 3, 2013

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

To Infinity and Beyond!
That's the TARDIS. She's infinite!

These are a few of my favorite things!

Here are my Top 5 from this episode:

1. Costumes! 

What good is a sic-fi show without the things of geekdom? 

The whole salvage ship idea was definitely a winner in my book. Who doesn't love the concept of Space Pirates? Not to mention the agony of watching our beloved TARDIS captured and unceremoniously lumped in with the rubbish? That's why we have TV; we love having our feelings toyed with. We're weird. Back to the point, period costume and futuristic space costumes are some of my favorite things; and we got some classic space stuff in this episode. 

Cool goggles and breathing apparatus: CHECK!

The Android was also a fun feature. Even though, he turned out to be the victim of a cruel, INCREDIBLY CRUEL, ongoing sick joke. The evil brother had made himself void of all conscience by inflicting a vile form of psychologic abuse to better his own ends, but, mercifully for the younger brother, they were all given a do-over. In the new timeline, the evil brother was given a fresh start and the younger saved from such emotionally scarring treatment. Do overs. Such a precious and amazing thing that we don't really get to experience in real life. It's cool to at least see it on TV.

2. Beyond the Console of the TARDIS!

Now this episode was ALL about the TARDIS. So SO many snippets from the Doctor gave us further insight to the scientific miracle that is the TARDIS. Those damn Timelords are so freaking smart. My favorite little quote was when the Doctor was genuinely concerned about an oncoming "TARDIS tantrum". 

As promised, we got to see the massive library! AND ... AND the swimming pool that River landed in!! Remember when she had to jump off that tall building in New York and the TARDIS arrived just in time, opened her doors, and we both heard and saw the splash?

We got to see the TARDIS mess with everyone and protect herself in so many ways. I particularly liked when she turned the ladder to acid metal to make that guy fall off. I also really liked how she was switching the console room back and forth so fast that the Doctor was in one dimension while Clara was in another, but both in the same console the entire time while unable to see or speak to eachother. The analogy of a light switch toggling back and forth was pretty darn cool. That, was sic-fi AWESOMENESS right there.

One of the things that drew me in the most, as I'm sure it did all of us, was the office. Or, the other little library. I wish so badly I could go there and explore that room. I died over the Encyclopedia Gallifrey. DIED. They looked like alchemist's bottles. Liquid knowledge. I wonder how you use them. Did I mention they are so cool I could die?

3: The History of the Time War.

The ever elusive Time War.

Seeing that book was like laying eyes upon the Holy Grail. Not much more needs to be said, other than, "Just look at it", in hushed reverent tones. Clara got to both touch it and look within it's priceless pages.

She did say, "so that's who", before being interrupted. There's lots of speculation over what that means or why something like that would be so easily read in a book. I don't want to diminish the sanctity of the moment. I think I'd like to revel in the wow factor. In the end, Clara doesn't remember it anyway as time gets reset. Just look at that book. It's beautiful. The Doctor's deepest pain and every Whovian's lingering questions are embodied right there in that book.

4. The Doctor asks Who.

It occurs to me now, that this entire time with Clara, the Doctor is being confronted with his own question. Clara who? When the moment came that he knew they were done for, he just out right bluntly asked her.

The Doctor: Well, we're about to die. There's no point now. Just tell me who you are.
Clara: You know who I am.
The Doctor: No, I don't. I look at you at you every single day, and I don't understand a thing about you. Why do I keep running into you?

5. The Architectural Reconfiguration System.

A scientific marvel beautiful to behold.


When the Space Pirate's scanner found the room holding the Architectural Reconfiguration System, it told him that "everything" was in that room. Among the many critical components of the TARDIS, we got to see this mechanical system. It was gorgeous. It was mindblowing.

"Whatever machine you require, this system will build it." 

Need we say more. 

And that dumb lug was willing to cut up this last specimen of Gallifreyan ingenuity. That's what happens when you kill your soul hurting others. You no longer see what's truly valuable and precious. Luckily for him, the TARDIS specializes in matters of time and he got that do over. 

The Doctor is so Doctor-ish this second half of the season. I love it. We've gotten to see rooms of the TARDIS in the past, probably more often in Classic Who, so it was especially awesome to have an episode that gave us the chance to explore the TARDIS and concepts relating to the TARDIS. Also, was it just me, or did it seem that the TARDIS is warming up to Clara?

Have an awesome Doctor Who Saturday!!! Looking forward to seeing red...err.... crimson!!

Your Timey Wimey Buddy,


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