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Friday, May 31, 2013

Google Glass From the 90s

Above is a picture of Google Glass. It is one of the most highly anticipated piece of tech that will be available in 2014. The expected price tag is just under $1,500.

And here is Tiger Electronic's R-ZONE. One of the biggest let downs of the mid 90s. The system was about $30 and the each game was around $20. Players spent more time with headaches than they did enjoying their games (I'm speaking from experience).  After it's flop, its sole purpose was to be repainted and used as a prop in various sci-fi shows at the time.
It was essentially a glorified version of this:

and here is what the folks at MASHABLE did with it:

Thanks Mashable. My love of pranks, trolling, and nostalgia knows no bounds.


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