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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spoilery Movie Gripes: Iron Man 3

Ok, so it's been little over a week since Iron Man 3 has opened in the US. It's still the #1 movie in theaters and rightfully so. It's fun. Robert Downey Junior is on his game, it's visually stunning, there's a little kid that isn't that annoying, and well the big fight scene at the end delivers. And as you can tell from the title of this entry, it's not without its faults. The misses aren't bad enough to overlook the hits, but they're there.

If you haven't seen the movie and don't like spoilers, just leave now.

Going into this, we were told that SHIELD wouldn't have much of any presence and not to expect Nick Fury, but WOW - zero presence?  The Iron Man franchise is responsible for introducing us to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) giving us SHIELD, Agent Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, and Natasha Romanov/Black Widow. Sure, there is one or two throwaway lines mentioning SHIELD, but there are no clandestine operatives running around in the background or Acuras with SHIELD logos on the doors.
With Tony going through his issues, building an army of suits, and even giving terrorists his home address, you would expect at least a phone call from Nick Fury. Something along the lines of, "What are you doing? Get your sh*t together."

War Machine/Iron Patriot gets taken over. Again.

In Iron Man 2, Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes takes one of the Iron Man suits, its gets upgraded with a whole bunch of weapons and a software overhaul by HAMMER industries. The suit gets taken over by Ivan Vanko and its used to do a bad things.  WHY WOULD THIS HAPPEN AGAIN?!
I'm not above thinking that people don't learn from mistakes or that the military would just go with AIM-Advanced Idea Mechanics since they were the lowest bidders for the Iron Patriot upgrades.  I would just hope that Tony Stark wouldn't let that happen again and would handle War Machine/Iron Patriot's upgrades himself - it's not like he didn't have time to do it.

Dr. Maya Hansen is pointless. 

This is really unfortunate.  Rebecca Hall is a fantastic actress and she had great chemistry with RDJr.  Maya Hansen is probably the most under utilized character that we've seen in the MCU.  She's given such great importance in this movie; she's introduced in the first 5 minutes of the film, there are allusions to her in the narration as a personal demon Tony would have to face, and she's the scientist behind Extremis. However, she get's killed at the end of the 2nd act and there are zero repercussions. Other than to help set up the reason why Tony Stark ditches Killian on the roof, her entire existence is otherwise unnecessary. Her ulterior motive/spy reveal comes off as forced and rather than a "Oh my God!" type of reaction, the audience is more like "Really? That's dumb."

Alright, what do you think? Are there any other gripes you have? Let me know in the comments below.


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