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Friday, May 31, 2013
The Name of The Doctor

The Name of The Doctor

"What kind of idiot would want to steal a faulty TARDIS?"

(In fact, this post is written specifically with those who have already viewed the episode in mind.)

By now, everyone should have had a chance to watch the Doctor Who season finale, The Name of The Doctor.

You were frozen and stupefied for a few moments at the end, too?

From the opening scenes in Gallifrey and the shots of Clara throughout time seeing the different Doctors, this episode began to deliver right away.

Can I just skip straight on to Strax now? HOW freaking hilarious was he this entire episode? I want Strax t-shirts like YESTERDAY. I love that we got to see that he had taken up fighting in Scotland.   "Prepare to die IN agony for the GLORY of the Saltaran Empire!!" I also love his inability to correctly identify human gender. "What is it girl?! (It was a boy.) Can't you see I'm about to crush the brains of this stinking primitive!?"I could go back and watch this episode a thousand times just for Strax quotes!!!

Next, I'd like to highlight the incredibly awesome "Conference Call". The nature of it is amazing because they communicate through time while dreaming; that was super cool. I particularly love that they made it seem so magical. I honestly would not have been as impressed with it if it was too clinically scientific or reliant on mechanics. Speaking of the Conference Call, it led us to another treasure trove of Strax moments. "OH NOO, not the one with GIGANTIC head??"

Not to give us cool stuff at the start and then cease to deliver, the episode didn't waste anytime getting back to giving us drops of information. Unbeknownst to us in our first viewing, we were given this HUGE explanation:

"Was your mum deep on puddings?"

Honestly, on first viewing, I just thought this was another moment to tie in to Asylum of the Daleks and show us how quirky Clara and her mum were. NOOOOPE. That right there was our explanation of The Impossible Girl. There was only one original DNA blueprint of Clara, i.e. the original Clara or "recipe",  who was traveling with the Doctor in the most recent episodes. Then, there have been the echoes of Clara: the varying versions in time coming from the original genetic recipe. This time, she really WAS the original Souffle Girl; the one who would soon step into a timeline that created The Impossible Girl.

Not to allow even the slightest hint of a dull moment, we were also quickly introduced to The Whisper Men.


Thank you, Doctor Who, for once again delivering BADASS amazing costumes and monsters that are REAL and NOT CGI. These guys are amazing. I love their look. LOOVE. While they are not as scary and menacing as the Weeping Angels or the Silence, they are certainly just as cool to look at.

Oh Doctor. You are so hilarious when being duped by those "little Daleks!!!" Ahem. Back to the Doctor. OH MY DOUBLE ALIEN HEARTS!!! When he heard what River said and the mention of Trenzalor, his face. HIS FACE. I have no words for that moment when we caught a glimpse of how deep his emotions and concience clearly run. I also don't have words for the instant INTRIGUE that induced. What? What is it exactly that is so deeply felt?

Now, we shall skip ahead to Trenzalore; where we learn about his grave. I love his reason for going. "I have to save Vastra and Strax. Jenny, too, if it's still possible. They were with me during the dark times. Never questioned me. Never judged me. They were just... kind." That's the definition of real friendship. This moment helped me really understand the importance of Vastra, Jenny, and Strax. We know the Doctor should never be alone. Now we know he has friends beyond the usual human companion; and they were there for him in the best way friends can be.

Of course, on Trenzalore, the Whisper Men caught up to them. Yet again, Strax stole the show when trying to fool the "enemy", "This place is surrounded! Lay down your weapons and your deaths will be merciful! This planet is now property of the Saltaran Empire! Surrender  your women and intellectuals!!", as well as with the way he spoke to Vastra, "Unhand me, you ridiculous reptile!!".

Now, regarding the Doctor's name. One theory is that when he said "Please!" he was shouting to River to let her know to open the doors. I'm not entirely sure that's the case. It is possible. I'm still inclined to believe she did on her own. This leads me to share an interesting thought I stumbled across on the interwebs:

Interesting thought. 
Now sure it can really apply to his actual name, 
since he knows his name before his entire timeline is written.

Ultimately, we won't know his name ever in this show until the very end. Maybe. 

With everything we learned about Timelord graves, and Clara's rescue of the Doctor, many of our questions were answered. Namely, we got to find out who Clara was and how she could be The Impossible Girl. She saved the Doctor. More than just the Eleventh, we come to find out. She literally saves THE Doctor. Entirely. We glimpsed this aspect of her nature in The Rings of Akhaten, "We never walk away." I also love that she was smart enough to figure out that, "This is what I've already done. You've already seen me do it." and jumped in to save the Doctor. Who's a clever girl!!? Clara. She's amazing. 

Looking forward to learning what those spoilers are about!!!!

Regarding River, they may have said goodbye to each other, but we're not finished with her yet. At least, I hope not. I believe we'll still get to see how she learned his name. I hope. It was so good to see her again and to see them together, even if she was just an echo of sorts herself. 

This moment was too great. So good. Strax's face.

True to form, he jumped in after Clara.  I love that he cares for her like a father. "Clara! My Clara!" He comforted her and risked his own death to save her.

Was this the fall of the Eleventh when the question is asked? Doctor Who? Or was this a foreshadow of it? I couldn't tell. If this is his fall, it's not his death, just maybe an emotional fall. That would fit with my personal theory that this is not, in fact, the eleventh regeneration of the Doctor. I think that John Hurt's Doctor is actually the Ninth Doctor. However, because of whatever it was that he did, presumably the Great Time War in which he destroyed all the Timelords, the Doctor refuses to acknowledge him. Therefore, he sees himself as the Eleventh Doctor, even though he is actually the twelfth regeneration. John Hurt's doctor, therefore, does not rank among the Doctors; he is disavowed.

I can't wait to see where the next season takes us!! I'm learning now, that we should never speculate about Doctor Who. No one came even CLOSE to guessing what happened in this episode. 

I would love to hear from you. Tweet at me or comment below! We have until November 23rd to comfort ourselves and talk about the Doctor!!

Your Whovian Friend,

Google Glass From the 90s

Google Glass From the 90s

Above is a picture of Google Glass. It is one of the most highly anticipated piece of tech that will be available in 2014. The expected price tag is just under $1,500.

And here is Tiger Electronic's R-ZONE. One of the biggest let downs of the mid 90s. The system was about $30 and the each game was around $20. Players spent more time with headaches than they did enjoying their games (I'm speaking from experience).  After it's flop, its sole purpose was to be repainted and used as a prop in various sci-fi shows at the time.
It was essentially a glorified version of this:

and here is what the folks at MASHABLE did with it:

Thanks Mashable. My love of pranks, trolling, and nostalgia knows no bounds.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Joss says "You are all going to die" and gets Honorary Doctorate

Joss says "You are all going to die" and gets Honorary Doctorate

At Wesleyan University's graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 26th, 2013, Joss Whedon was awarded the Honorary Doctorate of Letters. He then delivered the commencement speech to the graduating class which was filled with humor and brilliant advice.

The video and the transcription:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and… no. I’m not that lazy.

I actually sat through many graduations. When I was siting where you guys were sitting, the speaker was Bill Cosby—funny man Bill Cosby, he was very funny and he was very brief, and I thanked him for that. He gave us a message that I really took with me, that a lot of us never forgot, about changing the world. He said, “you’re not going to change the world, so don’t try.”
That was it. He didn’t buy that back at all. And then he complained about buying his daughter a car and we left. I remember thinking, “I think I can do better. I think I can be a little more inspiring than that.”

And so, what I’d like to say to all of you is that you are all going to die.

This is a good commencement speech because I’m figuring it’s only going to go up from here. It can only get better, so this is good. It can’t get more depressing. You have, in fact, already begun to die. You look great. Don’t get me wrong. And you are youth and beauty. You are at the physical peak. Your bodies have just gotten off the ski slope on the peak of growth, potential, and now comes the black diamond mogul run to the grave. And the weird thing is your body wants to die. On a cellular level, that’s what it wants. And that’s probably not what you want.

I’m confronted by a great deal of grand and worthy ambition from this student body. You want to be a politician, a social worker. You want to be an artist. Your body’s ambition: Mulch. Your body wants to make some babies and then go in the ground and fertilize things. That’s it. And that seems like a bit of a contradiction. It doesn’t seem fair. For one thing, we’re telling you, “Go out into the world!” exactly when your body is saying, “Hey, let’s bring it down a notch. Let’s take it down.”
And it is a contradiction. And that’s actually what I’d like to talk to you about. The contradiction between your body and your mind, between your mind and itself. I believe these contradictions and these tensions are the greatest gift that we have, and hopefully, I can explain that.

But first let me say when I talk about contradiction, I’m talking about something that is a constant in your life and in your identity, not just in your body but in your own mind, in ways that you may recognize or you may not.

Let’s just say, hypothetically, that two roads diverged in the woods and you took the path less traveled. Part of you is just going, “Look at that path! Over there, it’s much better. Everyone is traveling on it. It’s paved, and there’s like a Starbucks every 40 yards. This is wrong. In this one, there’s nettles and Robert Frost’s body—somebody should have moved that—it just feels weird. And not only does your mind tell you this, it is on that other path, it is behaving as though it is on that path. It is doing the opposite of what you are doing. And for your entire life, you will be doing, on some level, the opposite—not only of what you were doing—but of what you think you are. That is just going to go on. What you do with all your heart, you will do the opposite of. And what you need to do is to honor that, to understand it, to unearth it, to listen to this other voice.

You have, which is a rare thing, that ability and the responsibility to listen to the dissent in yourself, to at least give it the floor, because it is the key—not only to consciousness-but to real growth. To accept duality is to earn identity. And identity is something that you are constantly earning. It is not just who you are. It is a process that you must be active in. It’s not just parroting your parents or the thoughts of your learned teachers. It is now more than ever about understanding yourself so you can become yourself.

I talk about this contradiction, and this tension, there’s two things I want to say about it. One, it never goes away. And if you think that achieving something, if you think that solving something, if you think a career or a relationship will quiet that voice, it will not. If you think that happiness means total peace, you will never be happy. Peace comes from the acceptance of the part of you that can never be at peace. It will always be in conflict. If you accept that, everything gets a lot better.

The other reason is because you are establishing your identities and your beliefs, you need to argue yourself down, because somebody else will. Somebody’s going to come at you, and whatever your belief, your idea, your ambition, somebody’s going to question it. And unless you have first, you won’t be able to answer back, you won’t be able to hold your ground. You don’t believe me, try taking a stand on just one leg. You need to see both sides.

Now, if you do, does this mean that you get to change the world? Well, I’m getting to that, so just chill. All I can say to this point is I think we can all agree that the world could use a little changing. I don’t know if your parents have explained this to you about the world but… we broke it. I’m sorry… it’s a bit of a mess. It’s a hard time to go out there. And it’s a weird time in our country.

The thing about our country is—oh, it’s nice, I like it—it’s not long on contradiction or ambiguity. It’s not long on these kinds of things. It likes things to be simple, it likes things to be pigeonholed—good or bad, black or white, blue or red. And we’re not that. We’re more interesting than that. And the way that we go into the world understanding is to have these contradictions in ourselves and see them in other people and not judge them for it. To know that, in a world where debate has kind of fallen away and given way to shouting and bullying, that the best thing is not just the idea of honest debate, the best thing is losing the debate, because it means that you learn something and you changed your position. The only way really to understand your position and its worth is to understand the opposite. That doesn’t mean the crazy guy on the radio who is spewing hate, it means the decent human truths of all the people who feel the need to listen to that guy. You are connected to those people. They’re connected to him. You can’t get away from it.

This connection is part of contradiction. It is the tension I was talking about. This tension isn’t about two opposite points, it’s about the line in between them, and it’s being stretched by them. We need to acknowledge and honor that tension, and the connection that that tension is a part of. Our connection not just to the people we love, but to everybody, including people we can’t stand and wish weren’t around. The connection we have is part of what defines us on such a basic level.

Freedom is not freedom from connection. Serial killing is freedom from connection. Certain large investment firms have established freedom from connection. But we as people never do, and we’re not supposed to, and we shouldn’t want to. We are individuals, obviously, but we are more than that.
So here’s the thing about changing the world. It turns out that’s not even the question, because you don’t have a choice. You are going to change the world, because that is actually what the world is. You do not pass through this life, it passes through you. You experience it, you interpret it, you act, and then it is different. That happens constantly. You are changing the world. You always have been, and now, it becomes real on a level that it hasn’t been before.

And that’s why I’ve been talking only about you and the tension within you, because you are—not in a clichéd sense, but in a weirdly literal sense—the future. After you walk up here and walk back down, you’re going to be the present. You will be the broken world and the act of changing it, in a way that you haven’t been before. You will be so many things, and the one thing that I wish I’d known and want to say is, don’t just been yourself. Be all of yourselves. Don’t just live. Be that other thing connected to death. Be life. Live all of your life. Understand it, see it, appreciate it. And have fun.

So all it takes to get an honorary doctorate from your alma mater is to create a few television shows, kill fan-favorite characters in each show, write and direct one of the highest grossing films of all time, and film and direct a play by Shakespeare with some friends that happen to be TV and movie stars? Sounds doable.

Transciption and pictures via Wesleyan University Newsletter.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Power Rangers Mega War!

Power Rangers Mega War!

Picture from 2002's 10th anniversary episode Power Rangers "Forever Red"

 Power Rangers and Super Sentai fans rejoice! The Power Rangers Mega War is coming!

The Mega War is an upcoming episode of Power Rangers Mega Force commemorating 20 years of Power Rangers in America. The episode is currently in production in New Zealand and brings back 10 former stars and many many skinny stuntmen in spandex.

The ten confirmed and currently on set actors are:
Jason David Frank – Tommy Oliver (Green Ranger, White Ranger, Zeo Ranger 5, Red Turbo Ranger, Black Dino Ranger)
Danny Slavin – Leo Corbett (Red Galaxy Ranger)
Selwyn Ward – T.J. Johnson (Red Turbo/Blue Space Ranger)
Patricia Ja Lee – Cassie Chan (Pink Turbo/Space Ranger)
Melody Perkins – Astronema / Karone (Pink Galaxy Ranger)
Reggie Rolle – Damon Henderson (Green Galaxy Ranger)
Sean Johnson – Carter Grayson (Red Lightspeed Ranger)
Alison MacInnis – Dana Mitchell (Pink Lightspeed Ranger)
Jason Faunt – Alex  / Wes Collins (Red Time Force Ranger)
Hector David Jr – Mike (Green Samurai Ranger)
Brittany Pirtle – Emily (Yellow Samurai Ranger)

In a video for TMZ and his fans, Jason David Frank says, "The Green and White ranger is making a cameo." Does that mean he'll be in both suits? So far, JDF has only posted pictures of himself on his Instagram and Facebook page sporting the iconic green.

Several of the other actors have been posting on Instagram and it looks like they're having a great time together:

Jason Faunt and Brittany Pirtle via

Alison MacInnis via

Jason Faunt via

Jason David Frank with his daughter, Jenna via

Reggie Rolle via

Hector David Jr., Sean CW Johnson, Alison MacInnis. Bottom: Brittany Pirtle, Danny Slavin, Jason Faunt, Reggie Rolle. via

Hector David Jr., Melody Perkins, Jason Faunt, Alison MacInnis, Danny Slavin via

Brittany Pirtle, Melody Perkins, Patricia Ja Lee, Jason Faunt, Koichi Sakamoto, and Selwyn Ward
Jason Faunt and Jason David Frank

Only 10 former rangers? What about ______? and ______? Why isn't ______ there?!
It looks as though only Saban-Era stars were invited and Disney casts were tossed out with the bath water.  As many as 60 invitations were sent out. As you can tell by the numbers, many had to decline. And get this - many of them were UNINVITED!
At last summer's Power Morphicon, several actors were approached by the casting team and promises were made and were told that they would be in touch. Months later, former cast members were sent a generic letter invitation opening with "Dear Power Ranger,"(the invite and uninvite can be found HERE).
Many former rangers remarked that Saban didn't follow through with promises and terms:

"The was too low and there’s not a lot of character development. Just going to be in the background as an extra. I would’ve love to do it but I could possibly take the amount of time away from my business for a little amount of money. I’m sorry but I believe that it’s them that’s letting the fans down because they want to get away with paying a little. I hope you understand” - Steve Cardenas (Red Mighty Morphin, Blue Zeo Ranger)

"...Unfortunately,  PR did not follow through with what they said. So I will not be a part of the reunion..." - Nakia Burrise (Yellow Zeo Ranger)

"...Like with many of my fellow cast-mates, Saban Brands did not follow through with the terms that we discussed. I’m not sure why, but I guess that’s just the way it goes …money was not the issue..." - Blake Foster (Blue Turbo Ranger)

"Guess who was invited to do a cameo on PR Megaforce and then un-invited the next week because of budget restrictions. #majorletdown #titanium” - Rhett Fisher (Titanium Light Speed Rescue Ranger)

Two of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers declined their invitations for much more personal reasons. David Yost, the original Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, declined the invitation and included "#donewithabusiverelationships" in his tweet.
In an act of solidarity, Walter Jones declined the invitation and told TMZ that he too was mistreated by the producers during his time with the show. "I'm very sorry to disappoint the fans as I would have loved to be a part of it...David, who I still keep in touch with regularly, is a very great guy and it would have been fun to work together again on something we helped originate."

 While it is a sad to see so many former rangers decline or get uninvited, it would be incredibly difficult to wrangle all of those actors and give them as much time as they deserve.  Check out this clip to see what the Japanese did for the Legendary War:

The Legendary War was during a two hour Super Sentai movie. Some of you may recall 2002's "Forever Red" episode was only that - an episode. 22 minutes. This left a bad taste in several of the actors' mouths which probably led to certain promises being made to the actors at Power Morphicon.

Personally, I'm really excited for this. I've been a fan since the "Day of the Dumpster." The show and actors have been a huge inspiration to me on various levels. I hope it does justice to the franchise and the fans.

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Elementary: Or is it?

Elementary: Or is it?

"New Holmes. New Watson. New York"
New Crime Drama?

It's worth it.

(Spoiler Free)

Kudos to the ballsy people who dared put forth this show after the grand success of BBC's Sherlock. I loved Sherlock. I'm dying for Season 3. I thought this new Sherlock show, Elementary, was blasphemy. Blasphemy to the BBC Sherlock and blasphemy to the original Sherlock Holmes stories. 

BBC's Sherlock is a a modern take on Sherlock Holmes; it is purely a modernization and true to the the essence of Holmes down to the core. I presumed Elementary was going to be a pathetic watered down excuse to make another cookie-cutter crime drama. It's in New York and Watson is an AMERICAN WOMAN. Neither british nor male. Typical Americans! Taking everything and Americanizing it because we can't seem to embrace anything non-american.


Boy was I wrong. I honestly only capitulated into watching a few episodes out of sheer boredom. I'm also a big Lucy Liu fan and once kinda crushed on Jonny Lee Miller. So, I thought why the heck not? Then I'd really have my ammunition for shooting it down! Pretentious little hag I was.

Firstly, it's not even remotely trying to be a ripoff of BBC's Sherlock, so let's just get that elephant out of the room now. A modern setting is probably the only thing the two shows have in common. As amazing as Sherlock is, who wants two versions of the same show? No one. Elementary is it's own tale.

What's one of the greatest traditions in fandom? There are many, but fan-ficition is definitely up there. When fans love a show and characters so much that they keep the story going because they can't get enough, it's a great compliment to a show, movie, book, or characters. Fans will even do gender swaps for the fun of it in stories and in cosplay. What does that have to do with Elementary? Everything. 

I think the concept of fan-fiction sums up the changes to Sherlock Holmes here. The respect for the characters and the story is still there, but it's definitely a form of fan-fiction. "Let's have ALL the Sherlock things!!!" Dr. John Watson is now Dr. Joan Watson; a woman and an American. Sherlock finds himself in New York rather than London. He's still British and he's still Sherlock Holmes. In my opinion, Elementary is an extension of fandom for the original Sherlock. What's wrong with that?

Watson and Holmes

It's not just another crime drama with a Sherlock hat. What I mean is, it's not just another new crime per week drama with an occasional delve into character stories. This is first and foremost about the two main characters, Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson. They haven't even made them your typical love interest will-they-won't-they thing. The development of the two characters is the foundation at all times. Yes, there are crimes to solve each week. However, we also see growth and transformation for their relationship and as individuals each and every week. There is an ongoing story beyond the weekly crimes. That is what makes this show so compelling. I had to watch it each week. Even re-watch episodes. I couldn't wait until the next one, because I had to have more of these two people. Not love, not angst, not sexual tension. Just two characters that I was interested to learn more about and watch. Simple as that. 

Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock Holmes

If the portrayal of Sherlock Holmes was dull, this show would be a dud. Dead in the water regardless of any other redeeming attributes. That's a no brainer. Needless to say then, Miller's portrayal of Holmes is intriguing. He's adopted his own version of conveying all the traditional attributes of Sherlock quite successfully. With genius comes... being different. And that is exactly what Miller does without coming across as a caricature or overacting. It's subtle enough that what you see is totally interesting while totally believable. 

Lucy Liu as Dr. Joan Watson

We all know what to expect from Sherlock Holmes. We know his story. But what can we expect from a female Watson from New York? What's her story? What's she going to be like? That right there is the winning detail in the show. This major change creates an unknown. What's a female living in the same house as Holmes going to be like? Why would she find herself there with him? Not only that, but what's Sherlock going to be like with a woman? There's so much there to explore and Elementary delivers. I was originally so annoyed that they made Watson a woman. God I love her so much now. This would have been so boring if everything was the same. We've seen it already!! Not only that, but there are so many ways Watson could have then been cliched in being portrayed as a woman. The writing for this character and Lucy Lui's delivery make Joan Watson incredible as an understated and self-possesed woman. This entire show is worth watching just for Joan Watson.

The season finale aired recently and the verdict is officially in. The show is worth it. I want to say so much about the finale! To avoid spoiling it (as I want new watchers to get into this show), all I'm going to say is "Watch this show!". Sure, not every one likes crime dramas. However, if you are going to watch one, make sure Elementary is on your list! Season 1 delivered and it's been renewed for Season 2.

Summer, the accursed desert wasteland of TV, is coming. In the absence of your current favorites, take the time to get into Elementary! 

Till We Meet Again,
The Incredible Dork

Movie Review: Fast & Furious 6

Movie Review: Fast & Furious 6

Look another Fast and the Furious Movie!

Hold on, hold on, I know what you're thinking.  It's ANOTHER Fast and the Furious movie, why bother to go see it right?  WRONG.  Go see it.  The sixth installment of this franchise has left me with a good feeling once I left the theater.  This movie is directed by Justin Lin featuring the many characters seen from the previous movies.

This movie takes place after their stint in Rio, everyone is living their life, until Luke Hobbs (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson) locates Dom Torreto (Vin Diesel) and gives him the news.  Letty is alive folks.  Dom gathers the team and they're off on their journey.  The main antagonist is a man by the name of Shaw (Luke Evans).  This movie takes on the premise of fighting your doppleganger.  Shaw's crew is built similarly to that of Dom's.  We see this throughout the course of the movie and it brings an interesting dynamic to the action sequences.  There's a scene where you see two behemoth's go at each other, and you can't help but just cheer.

To be fair, we have to differentiate between movie physics and real life physics.  This movie obviously has movie physics and that's OK. I will suspend disbelief just because this is part of the Fast and the Furious world.  I actually accept and embrace it.  It defines this movie franchise and gives it that unique character.

This movie is one that is not to be missed this summer.  It features comedy, action, plot twists, and more.  Oh yea.  There is a quick teaser for the seventh movie which will blow you away.

Score: B
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
New Generation of Consoles?!

New Generation of Consoles?!


There was a Sony conference in late February discussing their new system being available this year called the Playstation 4.  On May 21st, 2013 Microsoft had a conference unveiling their new console coming out this year called the XBOXONE.  Here is my reaction to both after seeing what both companies have to offer.  This is my personally opinions so please feel free to agree or disagree with what I said.

I didn’t like either conferences and I don’t like what the consoles are providing overall.
Now, why I didn’t like both conferences and the consoles overall?  Both conferences lacked a display of games and game play.  The PS4 they showed what it was capable of -same with XBOXONE.  In fact, XBOXONE even showed that you can watch live television (which they already provide with their Verizon Fios app if you are a subscriber to Fios).  So nothing new here.
PS4 showed that consumers can live stream from their console, which is cool because consumers won’t need additional hardware to stream from.  The PS4 also showed off that people can watch you actually playing games, which isn’t anything new because the service OnLive has been providing this since launch.

I understand that there was no games discussed in both conferences, and I know that at E3 they will be discussing games.  If they aren’t, then us as gamers should be really worried.  The main reason I didn’t like Sony-Playstation's and Microsoft-XBox's press conferences was because I felt that they didn’t appeal to gamers. They appealed to the stock holder.  I felt it appealed to the people who wouldn’t be playing games.

I mean alright, EA at Microsoft that’s cool. Call of Duty really awesome #blaze420headshot1v1meinirldoyouevenlift.  (By the way the Call of Duty Dog has more followers than me on Twitter.)  DVR shouldn’t be in my gaming console.  Internet Explore shouldn’t be in my gaming console.  I don’t need a sensor (Kinect) to be constantly plugged in if I want to use my games.


Why can’t I do this?  I mean Nintendo at least lets me play Wii games on WiiU.  Why is my PS2 able to play PSX games but my slim PS3 not able to play PS2 games?  Same goes with you XBOX, why can’t I play my old XBOX games perfectly and without error on an XBOX360?  Did developers forget about this key component?  I mean, I didn’t just shell out tons of dollars to be able to play a game for like 2 years and then forget about it and not be able to play it ever because newer systems won’t allow me to play older games.

This is why I didn’t like the recent conferences:
-There is no love for past systems aka Backwards Compatability
-The need of constant internet connection (still rumor, but it still gets me mad)
- Fees to play rented and second hand to play or install the game.
- Also no women shown in both from what I saw.  Just a bunch of dudes in suits, I guess girls really don’t like games, or girls don’t like to run games. (In all reality, I know for a fact girls are in the gaming world and I am not sexist. We should be able to play all our games equally - regardless of sex, orientation, race, religion, etc. I <3 people who play games unless they are under the age of 14 or just blast stupid music over their microphone)

What I did like from both conferences, the PS4 showed that it can do streaming which is great.  Streaming games has been going strong for a while and it’s great to watch local tournaments or lets plays.  I just don’t like how they are using Ustream over Twitch, but hey it still works.
What I liked from the XBOXONE conference was the Call of Duty Dog.  But in all seriousness Steven Spielberg making a Halo Series is kind of dope.  That is pretty much all I liked.

I guess you can summarize these three new consoles, The PS4, XBOXONE, and WiiU in this clip:

This was written on my laptop while I sat on the toilet,  This is how I feel the gaming world is treating me... Like a pile of____.

- Derek Klinke


 Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of XBOX ONE, the PS4, and the next generation of games.

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Spoilery Movie Gripes: Iron Man 3

Spoilery Movie Gripes: Iron Man 3

Ok, so it's been little over a week since Iron Man 3 has opened in the US. It's still the #1 movie in theaters and rightfully so. It's fun. Robert Downey Junior is on his game, it's visually stunning, there's a little kid that isn't that annoying, and well the big fight scene at the end delivers. And as you can tell from the title of this entry, it's not without its faults. The misses aren't bad enough to overlook the hits, but they're there.

If you haven't seen the movie and don't like spoilers, just leave now.

Going into this, we were told that SHIELD wouldn't have much of any presence and not to expect Nick Fury, but WOW - zero presence?  The Iron Man franchise is responsible for introducing us to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) giving us SHIELD, Agent Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, and Natasha Romanov/Black Widow. Sure, there is one or two throwaway lines mentioning SHIELD, but there are no clandestine operatives running around in the background or Acuras with SHIELD logos on the doors.
With Tony going through his issues, building an army of suits, and even giving terrorists his home address, you would expect at least a phone call from Nick Fury. Something along the lines of, "What are you doing? Get your sh*t together."

War Machine/Iron Patriot gets taken over. Again.

In Iron Man 2, Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes takes one of the Iron Man suits, its gets upgraded with a whole bunch of weapons and a software overhaul by HAMMER industries. The suit gets taken over by Ivan Vanko and its used to do a bad things.  WHY WOULD THIS HAPPEN AGAIN?!
I'm not above thinking that people don't learn from mistakes or that the military would just go with AIM-Advanced Idea Mechanics since they were the lowest bidders for the Iron Patriot upgrades.  I would just hope that Tony Stark wouldn't let that happen again and would handle War Machine/Iron Patriot's upgrades himself - it's not like he didn't have time to do it.

Dr. Maya Hansen is pointless. 

This is really unfortunate.  Rebecca Hall is a fantastic actress and she had great chemistry with RDJr.  Maya Hansen is probably the most under utilized character that we've seen in the MCU.  She's given such great importance in this movie; she's introduced in the first 5 minutes of the film, there are allusions to her in the narration as a personal demon Tony would have to face, and she's the scientist behind Extremis. However, she get's killed at the end of the 2nd act and there are zero repercussions. Other than to help set up the reason why Tony Stark ditches Killian on the roof, her entire existence is otherwise unnecessary. Her ulterior motive/spy reveal comes off as forced and rather than a "Oh my God!" type of reaction, the audience is more like "Really? That's dumb."

Alright, what do you think? Are there any other gripes you have? Let me know in the comments below.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
The Crimson Horror

The Crimson Horror

Red bodies are turning turning up in the river.
Is the Sweetville Mill really a fabulous opportunity or a creepy cult?
Who can solve this mystery?

The Crimson Horror was the curious case in which we found the Doctor in need of rescuing. Long before we reached the Doctor and discovered his intriguing predicament, Madame Vastra was approached by an observant gentleman who gathered that something dodgy was afoot. Laughing at this gentleman fainting at the sight of Madame Vastra and then Strax, followed by more laughter at Strax's usual unintended humor, we follow the clues that led Jenny to infiltrate a certain cult helping itself to all the lovely girls and couples; beautiful people that were never seen again.

There, our intrepid undercover explorer, Jenny, rescues the Doctor and kicks supermodel cult member's asses along with the help of Strax and his awesome alien laser weapon. They proceed to rescue Clara and get to the bottom of the rather kooky goings on. By the end, they rescue the world, of course! This time, it was the awesome teamwork of Jenny, Madame Vastra, the Doctor, Clara, and Strax who saved the day together. Not only that, but a certain young lady who had been horribly manipulated by the villains was able to extract her revenge.

This gal got to violently vent a few frustrations.

All in all, we enjoyed an adventure full of humor, creepy villainous activities, aliens, ancient danger, the twist of rescuing the Doctor, and plenty of period costumes! In other words, all the reasons we love Doctor Who!! 

I thoroughly enjoyed the Crimson Horror and and look forward to a Nightmare In Silver!

Yours Through All Time,
The Incredible Dork

Thursday, May 9, 2013
Coming Attractions: May 2013

Coming Attractions: May 2013

Coming Attractions is a monthly piece in which I let you know what I think will be the best movies releasing in the coming month. So if you plan on going to the movies any time this month, hopefully I’ll give you an idea as to what your best bet will be each week. So without further ado, here are the coming attractions for April 2013:

Filled with a few blockbusters and some really good smaller releases, May is definitely the start of the summer movie season. Sorry I didn’t have this column up last week, but I assumed it everyone was just going to see Iron Man 3. Anyway, here’s what I think looks good this month. As usual. Check the honorable mentions because there’s lots of good stuff this month, I can hardly pick one movie per week.

Friday, May 3
Iron Man 3

Directed by: Shane Black
Written by: Drew Pearce, Shane Black
Starring: Robert Downey, Jr.; Gwyneth Paltrow; Don Cheadle; Ben Kingsley; Guy Pearce; Rebecca Hall

Duh. Of course this is the movie to see this first weekend in May. It’s one of the biggest releases of the year. Iron Man 3 introduces us to Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and starts to show us a different side of Tony Stark now that he’s coping with the events that took place in The Avengers. Expect what you’ve seen before (action and plenty of snarky comments from Downey, Jr’s Tony Stark) but more Iron Man suits than you can count. This is definitely the movie to check out this week, but I’d stay away from the 3D for this one.

Friday, May 10
The Great Gatsby

Directed by: Baz Luhrmann
Written by: Craig Pearce, Baz Luhrmann
Starring: Leonardy DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire, Joel Edgerton, Elizabeth Debicki, Isla Fisher

The classic book that we all had to read in high school brought to the silver screen yet again in a stylish new adaptation from Baz Luhrmann (and in 3D for some inexplicable reason). With an extremely talented cast, flashy sets and costumes, and a soundtrack supervised by Jay Z, this movie definitely has the potential to be different and great.

Thursday, May 16
Star Trek Into Darkness

Directed by: J. J. Abrams
Written by: Robert Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof
Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Benedict Cumberbatch, John Cho, Simon Pegg, Alice Eve

No other studios are even bothering to release any other big-name movies this weekend. Everyone expects Star Trek Into Darkness to be one of the biggest movies of the year. And after the huge success of the first film, why shouldn’t they? I’m not particularly excited about this one because I didn’t care for the first movie (*ducks to avoid hailstorm of objects thrown in anger*) but I have a feeling I’m definitely in the minority there. Even so, if I go to the movies that weekend it will be to see Star Trek.

Friday, May 24
Fast and Furious 6

Directed by: Justin Lin
Written by: Chris Morgan
Starring: Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson

I still haven’t seen Fast Five but apparently it not only set this series back on the upswing, but in set a new high for the series altogether. A lot of people are looking to this sixth installment to continue that. This movie certainly won’t be a very deep film but it sure looks fun. I’m definitely planning on having a F&F marathon the week leading up to this release and capping it off with a trip to the theatre to see this newest installment.

Friday, May 31
The East

Directed by: Zal Batmanglij
Written by: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij
Starring: Brit Marling, Alexander Skarsgård, Ellen Page, Patricia Clarkson, Toby Kebbell, Shiloh Fernandez

A follow-up to last year’s (amazing) Sound of My Voice, The East puts Zal Batmanglij back behind the camera and Brit Marling back in front of it, with the two of them penning the screenplay together. Another movie centering around a cult-ish band of people living outside of normal society, The East is less ambiguous and more straightforward than the creative pair’s last effort, giving us a more traditional, but still exciting, political thriller about a group of people fighting against the corporate and political injustice in today’s world.

Honorable Mentions
The Iceman (May 3 - LIMITED RELEASE)

Directed by: Ariel Vromen
Written by: Ariel Vromen, Morgan Land
Starring: Michael Shannon, Chris Evans, Winona Ryder, Ray Liotta, James Franco, David Schwimmer

The true story of a loving family man who also happens to be a ruthless assassin who will kill anyone for the right price. Anyone who’s seen Michael Shannon in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire or the 2011 film Take Shelter knows that he can go from seemingly wholesome everyman to terrifying psychopath at the drop of a hat, so this role should be perfect for him. Shannon’s other big role this year is playing General Zod in Man of Steel and I’m about 10 times more excited to see him in this, if that gives you any indication of how good I think this movie will be. It’s limited release so check to see when it’s in your area.

The Hangover III (May 23)

Directed by: Todd Phillips
Written by: Craig Mazin
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Ken Jeong, Heather Graham, John Goodman

The final chapter of an “epic” trilogy; based on the cast it looks like it will draw heavily from the previous two films for comedic material. Will it be hilarious like the original or disappointing like the first sequel? Either way, it’s bound to be one of the bigger movies this month.

After Earth (May 24)

Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Written by: Gary Whitta, M. Night Shyamalan
Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smith

I’m one of the few people that holds out hope that M. Night Shyamalan can still make a great movie. And while After Earth doesn’t look like it will be a great movie (solely because of the way Will Smith talks in the trailer) it looks like it still has the potential to be really good. With a more straightforward premise than any of Shyamalan’s recent movies (a story about a boy and his overbearing father trying to survive after crash landing on a post-apocalyptic Earth) he may actually succeed in pulling off a movie that doesn’t suck. At least I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Now You See Me (May 24)

Directed by: Louis Leterrier
Written by: Ed Solomon, Boaz Yakin, Edward Ricourt
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Mélanie Laurent, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, Michael Caine

This movie is essentially Ocean’s Eleven with magicians/illusionists as the cocky thieves. The premise has a lot of potential and the fact that it has one of the most impressive ensemble casts I’ve ever seen makes me really excited to see this. Definitely worth checking out.


Feel free to follow me on Twitter @JOKftw or post in the comments if you've got any questions or comments.

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