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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Epic New Dragon Bridge in Vietnam is Epic

The Dragon Bridge, Da Nang, Vietnam

It is officially epic as it is the world's largest steel dragon bridge! The fun doesn't stop there, folks. It breathes fire! It spits water! It's green energy friendly as it's lit up in energy efficient LED lights! Oh, and let us not forget the most epic part of it all: it is a DRAGON.

I freaking love dragons!

Fire. Breathing. Dragon.

It spews forth water!

Constructed to reflect the city's economic development and accomodate traffic growth, it also celebrates the city's liberation after the Vietnam War. The Dragon Bridge was inaugurated on the 38th anniversary of the occasion this past March. Built in just four years at 545 feet long with six lanes, it's a pretty badass design and accomplishment!

Lit by 2,500 LED lights

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Dragon Bridge!

May the odds be ever in your favor,


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