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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dexter at SDCC 2013

Dexter Panel Members at SDCC 2013

These are the folks who made an appearance for the Dexter panel at this year's San Diego Comic Con. Yes, that Doakes right next to Hannah McKay!! And YES, that's Rita next to Dexter!! Sadly, the Ice Truck Killer, Harry, nor Masuka were there. I really love Masuka and wished he had been there. John Lithgow, the Trinity Killer, did send a video message as he wished he could have been there, but was unable to attend.

The panel was a goodbye panel as this is Dexter's final season. It consisted mostly of personal questions to the cast and had more of a chit-chatty vibe. There really wasn't that much in the way of information about this season. The only tid-bit we got was confirmation that Hannah McKay was going to return, however, we pretty much knew she had to come back with the way things were left with her. Yvonne Strahovski who plays Hannah McKay did at least give us one teeny tiny little morsel. She said that the question of her return is to do with her motivation, is it out of love or revenge? Hmmm. 

There really weren't any great full panel videos available that were worth linking to here. The various highlights around YouTube will suffice; I can confirm that you won't miss any concrete information by just watching the short clips featuring favorite actors' comments. The panel really was mostly about just saying goodbye. The actors made sure to sincerely thank the fans and gave credit to us, the viewers. And rightly so!

Goonies Never Say Die,


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