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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sherlock at SDCC 2013

Sherlock panel at SDCC 2013

So the lovely brains behind Sherlock attended the panel this year and fielded questions from the moderator and the fans. We had Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat, and Sue Virtue. The stars of the show couldn't make it, but did send a video message to the fans which I will share with you a little further into this post. However, the best place to watch the full panel itself is through the various parts posted here

They weren't really given great questions, but here a few of the highlights that I enjoyed. They did confirm the obvious, which is that you can go back and see what happened to Sherlock by rewatching the end of the finale episode. They also confirmed that Moriarity is dead, both in the show and in the original story. 

When asked about the first episode, the Open Hearse, they did say the "reveal" is pretty quick as they want to get on with the story. The real focus, or what we really want to know, is what is John's reaction when they meet again. That moment is electrifying and the show-stopper rather than finding out what how Sherlock survived. It's more about exploring how Sherlock's faked death has impacted everyone in his life.

Mycroft may have more to do with things in the next season. There won't be another romantic interest for Sherlock as the closest he's ever going to come to that was with Irene Adler. The season will have a sense of "newness" as Sherlock has been more humanized after the things he learned in Season 2. The fun will continue! Sherlock's involvement in John's wedding should also be everything we hope it would be.

A fan asked if we would see more of the friendship with Sherlock and Molly grow. They said that apart from at the very beginning, Molly always wins. She humanizes him and turns him "off". So, they are already friends and he likes her. He really meant it when he came to her for help. I loved hearing their comments about that.

When asked what his favorite episode was as a whole, Moffat answered that it was A Scandal in Belgravia. He did say that his favorite moments were the last 20 minutes of both finales. I share Moffat's sentiments there!!

They also confirmed that Sherlock will be returning to the USA in BBC's Masterpiece early next year.


Benedict Cumberbatch in a video message.

Last, but not least, they did say that Martin is a lot more sardonic like Sherlock on the set and in real life, while Benedict is more the bumbling goofy puppy. The truth of that becomes very evident when you see the video messages sent by Martin and Benedict. It's as short video and totally worth watching! Here it is.



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