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Friday, February 1, 2013

Coming Attractions: February 2013

Coming Attractions is a monthly piece in which I let you know what I think will be the best movies releasing in the coming month. So if you plan on going to the movies any time this month, hopefully I’ll give you an idea as to what your best bet will be each week. So without further ado, here are the coming attractions for February 2013:

Friday, Feb. 1

Warm Bodies
Directed by: Jonathan Levine
Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, John Malkovich

The story about a lonely zombie who falls in love with a living girl, Warm Bodies definitely shakes up what we’re used to seeing out of a zombie movie. Lighthearted, sweet, and comical, but with a little bit of gruesomeness in there too. Definitely a good date movie. Most likely the best movie for the first week of a February with slim pickings on the movie front.

Friday, Feb. 8

Side Effects
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Starring: Rooney Mara, Jude Law, Channing Tatum, Catherine Zeta-Jones

Sex, drugs, and a whole lot of drama. A thriller with an all-star cast that’s helmed by a tried and true director, Side Effects might be the first dramatic film of 2013 that’s guaranteed to have some quality to it. It looks like really intense movie full of deception and drama; definitely worth checking out.

Friday, Feb. 14

A Good Day to Die Hard
Directed by: John Moore
Starring: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch

If you’re actually planning on going to the movies on Valentine’s Day with a date, Warm Bodies might be a better pick for that situation, but A Good Day to Die Hard is probably the best movie coming out the third weekend of this February. Now I have to admit, I haven’t actually seen any of the previous Die Hard movies (I’m terrible, I know) but from what the trailers show this looks like an action-packed, explosion-a-minute spectacular that you would expect it to be. And anyone that’s seen Jack Reacher can tell you that Jai Courtney has definitely got enough badassery to play John McClane’s son.

Friday, Feb. 22

Dark Skies
Directed by: Scott Stewart
Starring: Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, J.K. Simmons

This one could go either way. A sci-fi/horror flick about aliens or supernatural beings that cause animals to try to kill you, take control of your body, and... stack groceries up in your kitchen while you’re sleeping? This could be be pretty creepy or totally laughable, but I’m leaning towards laughable. Unfortunately, it looks like the best movie coming out in the last week of February. Maybe this is the weekend to just stick to Netflix.

Honorable Mentions
None. Come on, how many good movies come out in February?


Feel free to follow me on Twitter @JOKftw or post in the comments if you've got any questions or comments.


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