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Friday, February 8, 2013


Can one cosplay erryday AND still be stylish? HELLS YES! 
Let me explain.

I'm a strong advocate for incorporating your own imagination and fandoms into everyday life. I'm always looking for ideas that can help me infuse the magical and comic-y and movie things I love into my home and my personal sense of fashion. My favorite item in my closet is a set of what I refer to as my Lara Croft boots. I pretty much idolize Lady Croft and feel kick-ass fantastic every time I wear them. If I ever need a boost, I'll even braid my hair like hers to give me the extra encouragement and boldness I might need for that day. I'm currently talking to my shoe repair and leather magic man to make me a VERY cool handbag that is like something I could see Zoe Wash from Firefly wearing...

...kinda like this:

I want one in brown with more stitching and less metal. There are other versions of this bag at the Jungle Tribe shop on Etsy. This one can be worn in a bazillion different cool ways. 

There's also this unisex one:

It can be found at UrbanHolsters on good ol' Etsy.

I would like to suggest that it's really not too hard to find cool stuff. Besides a quick search on Etsy, MOST things can actually be found in your normal everyday stores and thrift shop. Simply add a dash of boldness and a keen eye to your shopping. Some of the more specialty items might mean acquiring the favor of a college student studying fashion and textiles, your sew-tastic grandma, or finding a leather guy like I did. With that in mind, I would like to compile a few photos to inspire us all to feel free to channel our favorite character or magical creature into our everyday life. Without further a due, here we go!!!


Do you identify most with being an Elf? Or just wish you were one?

Look at these pics from The Sartorialist featuring fashion from the street.

It's a real life Elf in New York!

This time in Stockholm!!

Or, perhaps find inspiration from these professional images from The Fashionisto and Fashion Rogue. (Click on the links to see more inspirational looks from the same line.)

It's amazing what monochromatic tones can do.

Or, find inspiration from this lovely gal as seen on Style du Monde:


Is a cavalier, witty, science fiction character more your thing?

Mix in some classic clothes and trade in your rectangle glasses for some neat specs or sunnies and voila! Look at this guy:

He easily looks like a character that Mal Reynolds from Firefly would know on some planet. I imagine this would be the good, albeit possibly shady, guy who knows where you can find anything or anyone!

For the gals, how about that bold new hair-do you've been pondering? Throw in some red lippy and a thrift store leather jacket and BAM! You're a space pilot!

Unsourced photo from Tumblr

Doctor Who maybe? Throw in some classic clothes with suspenders or a bow tie.

Unsourced photo from Tumblr

Uncredited pic from Pinterest


Wish you were strolling down Diagon Alley from Harry Potter?

Gals, pick a vintage dress from the thrift store and hunt down some quirky or old fashioned shoes.

Uncredited pic from Pinterest

 I bet there's a wand lovingly tucked into that clutch!

This street style pic looks like it was actually taken in Diagon Alley! I can totally see potions stored along with her wand in that carry case.

Perhaps a magical creature such as a fairy is more you?

Cue very light monochromatic-ish pastels...

Vampire perhaps? Sharp & tailored or old fashioned with dark sunglasses will go a long way to helping you channel that creature of the night.

Just ignore the cigarette. It may not damage an actual vampire, but it ruins the look in real life. 

I've barely begun to scratch the surface of the endless cosplay style possibilities and the inspirational looks currently walking the streets of fashion blogs! I hope to curate a more in-depth feature for each type of character and fandom. For now, I simply wanted to introduce this concept of the style and fandom hybrid; it's is one of my favorite things! You will be hearing more from me on this topic! To paraphrase Yoda- You will be. Yoouu wiilll beee.

Till We Meet Again!

Yours Truly,
The Incredible Dork

PS- Click here for more  Lara Croft cosplay from the feature photo.


  1. Well, I have to say that this is a very intriguing blog. I loved your witty quotes like "kick ass fantastic","Its a real life elf in new york" and "Just ignore the cigarette. It may not damage an actual vampire, but it ruins the look in real life." Loved these the most. Funny Incredible Dork!


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