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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Game of Thrones Season 2 Review & Season 3 Preview

Season 2 Recap

     Season 2 opens with the Seven Kingdoms already at war with Robb Stark engaged in battle with the Lannisters for freedom for the north. Robb, being determined to win, tries to enlist the support of the Iron Islands ruled by the Greyjoys, so Robb sends Theon Greyjoy to treat with his father. His father though has other ideas. Back in Kings Landing, the battle for the throne heats up with King Joffrey Baratheon holding the highly contested throne. His uncle Tyrion Lannister arrives in Kings Landing to hold the position of Hand of the King to be chief advisor to Joffrey, but his advice isn't very welcome with opposition coming from his sister, and Queen Regent, Cersei.
     Two of the newest players for the throne come from King Robert's own family with brothers Renly and Stannis both claiming they are the rightful heir to the throne. We've met Renly in season 1, but Stannis makes his debut in this season. His home is the island of Dragonstone and he is backed by Melisandre, a priestess of the Lord of Light, and his right hand man Davos Seaworth, also known as the Onion Knight. Stannis is proven in battle and is the most legitimate threat in the battle for the Iron Throne.
     The fight for the Iron Throne is being fought in more than just the Seven Kingdom as across the narrow sea, as we saw in the finale, Daenerys Targaryen hatched three dragons, the only three in the world. Right now they are still small and vulnerable, but they will eventually grow into fierce and potent threats. Her khalasar has deserted her, so Daenerys and her small band of followers must cross the Red Waste and find new allies to support her in her quest to return to Westeros to claim the Iron Throne.
     There are many and more events going on than just the fight for the throne. In the North, Jon Snow and the Nights Watch have embarked across the wall the quell the Wildling threat as well as search for the missing rangers. As we saw in the season finale, they might have bit off more than they could chew with Jon Snow being captured by the Wildlings and being brought to meet the King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder and the other Nights Watch dealing with the supernatural threat from the White Walkers.
     Theon Greyjoy has betrayed his foster family, the Starks, and has captured Winterfell in the name of the Greyjoys, supposedly murdering litte Bran and Rickon in the midst. Back in the Stark camp, prize prisoner Jamie Lannister was set free by Caetlyn Stark unbeknownst to Robb. Caetlyn feels that returning Jamie to the Lannisters will hopefully set her girls, who are being kept captive in Kings Landing by the Lannisters, free (at least she believes both are as Arya has escaped and is headed north). 
     We won't have to wait long now for the third season to premiere as the season premiere is set for March 31st on HBO (as of this writing, that's only 35 days away)! If you want to know what to expect in season 3, keep reading as below is the trailer for season 3 and our preview.

Season 3 Preview

     Coming into season 3, the battle for the Iron Throne has changed and has become more fierce. One of the combatants for the throne, Renly Baratheon, has been assassinated by the wicked powers of his older brother Stannis' priestess Melisandre. The Tyrells have allied themselves with the Lannisters and King Joffrey after defeating a surging Stannis in battle. Robb Stark needs to deal with the Freys, with whom he broke his marriage pact with when he married Talisa Maegyr. Stannis is back on Dragonstone brooding over his next movements after his defeat at the Battle of the Blackwater.
     The Stark children are still on the run with Arya in the Riverlands trying to avoid detection while trying to get to the safety of either her mother or brother, Bran is still on his way north to the Wall. At this point, Rickon's location is still unknown after separating from Bran.
     Many other lives hang in the balance as Jamie Lannister is being brought by Brienne across hundreds of miles to Kings Landing, Theon faces his fate for what had transpired at Wintefell and Tyrion and Sansa try to survive Joffrey and Cersei's rule in Kings Landing.
     Daenerys Targaryen is still journeying across the narrow sea and her dragons grow stronger every day. But with her dragons getting bigger and stronger, they are attracting more attention from less than noble people that may try and take them away from her.
     We will also see what happens with the White Walkers beyond the wall, we finally get to meet the King Beyond the Wall Mance Raydar and figure out what the free folk are planning.



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