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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today Show Kills Harlem Shake Meme

You can all stop posting up Harlem Shake videos. NBC's Today show has ruined/killed another Youtube craze.  This is basically the equivalent of your uncool mom suddenly loving your favorite band and wanting to go to a concert with you.

Now, this is not to say that more Harlem Shake videos won't pop up, but it won't be from any of the "tastemakers" or anyone worth seeing do this.  It'll just be from other soccer moms, college _____ organizations, and church groups. 

The Harlem Shake meme involves 30-second videos that begin with a sole person, typically masked, casually bopping to music while a handful of people around him go about mundane business. Then “the beat drops,” as the kids say, the camera shot changes, and suddenly an entire crowd appears in bizarre costumes and they go ape shit, flailing their limps, and, well, doing the Harlem Shake.

 via The Daily Beast.

PS: Matt Lauer, one day the Slender Man will come for you


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