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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Next Generation: Sony Playstation 4

This is no ordinary BOX.  As you may have heard, Sony will be releasing it's new next-generation console the Sony Playstation 4 later this year.  I took a peek at their debut event a few days ago via online stream and wow was I in for a treat.  The speakers ranged from system architects, developers, and even top executives from PC game companies (more on that a little later.)

Sony has spent a great deal of R&D of the new platform focusing on game developers.  They felt that providing an environment without limits will help creativity and bring the best out of game development.  I agree with this 100%.  The system is based on x86 architecture with an enhanced CPU/GPU from AMD.  The system is also going to use eight gigs of GDDR5 memory.  As far as the hard drive is concerned, I believe they will be using solid state judging by the feature set, but this is unconfirmed.  The system will also feature a suspend/resume state, so that you no longer have to reach that save point and then save to turn off your system.  Sony has also aimed to reduce loading and wait times.

With the new Playstation it comes with it's fourth iteration of the Dual Shock controller.  From the pictures I've seen this new controller has that similar layout as with the previous controllers, but combines the technology of the Playstation Move and should give the gamer a better experience while playing their favorite titles.  The controller also features a headphone jack, touchpad, light bar and this neat little feature, 3D tracking via the light bar.  The system will feature two, yes two cameras to determine depth.  Sony has this belief that the future of gaming will be spread by social media.  Sony has further integrated this aspect by introducing a share button on the controller.  Gamers will be able to share and upload video of themselves playing games.  This will be useful for gamers across all genres, fighting, rpg, sports, and driving.

Sony is aiming to build the fastest gaming network in the world, where users can download and try out games instantly, have facebook/ustream integration and a feature I did not think would happen.  This feature is the ability to have someone else, control your game while watching, so if you need help getting past a certain level, or race, (wow this gave me such a great idea, co-op endurance racing for next Gran Turismo? Polyphony Digital, please make this happen.)  The system will also learn your taste in games and will selectively download games for you to try out.

Getting back to PC game executives, Blizzard Entertainment was at the announcement event.  They've confirmed that Diablo 3 will be coming to PS3/4 consoles.  Since this system is sharing such a similar architecture to a powerful desktop PC, I can only imagine that other companies will start to port their games to this system and provide it for download via Playstation Store (Star Wars The Old Republic maybe?)

With the amount of technology infused in this system, be sure to expect to pay quite a bit to get it.  I for one will be waiting for specific titles to be released before buying mine.

For more information, please visit

Date of Release: Holidays 2013


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