Batman: The Great Debate
Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill
Batman vs Superman
I am in the camp of people that really loved Man of Steel. I am in the camp that was stunned by the casting of Ben Affleck as the next Batman.
That is where I stood on that fateful day of casting news.
This tweet from one of my favorite twitterers helped me move on from the now notorious Batfleck explosion:
WEEELLLLLL, yeah. True dat.
Wow, I was so upset by Ruffalo as the Hulk in the early casting days, but then as we all know, he went and nailed it.
Nailed. It.
In less than a day there were posts from varying geek sites arguing why Affleck is actually a good casting choice. Even Joss Whedon gave his stamp of approval via his twitter; he also recommended that we go read this:
WOW. Well said, Mr. Oswalt. Color me corrected and intrigued.
SO, with that, I now join the quest with countless masses of other nerdlings to search for the Caped Crusader in Mr. Affleck via his movies. I'm going to rewatch certain films of his with the fresh perspective that he's gonna be Batman.
JOIN ME! Together we can rule the ga-- I mean, join me in this quest. I'll be live tweeting, too, if you don't have time to watch the movies. I shall do a follow-up post after I complete my movie crusade! Watch this space!
To Seek The Holy Grail,
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