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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Illustrators & Writers Unite

WANTED: Artists
Undead or Alive!

I read a short e-novel called Atticus for the Undead by John Abramowitz not long ago. It's the start of a series following Hunter for the Undead and other creatures of the night. It's like.... dammit!!! I don't know how to explain it!!!! It's really good!! While reading, it conjured images of a lot of the scenes in the book in graphic novel style. The story inspired a color scheme, a distinct style, and specific scene shots. Very. Clearly. Rather than a comic book style graphic novel with speech bubbles, I was thinking more of a hybrid between a graphic novel and an illustrated novel. Lots of full page spreads of art as well as writing. I would have KILLED (and needed Hunter's lawerly help) to actually see it in print and in my hands.

Nowadays, we're all struggling to make ends meet and build our lives while we pursue our dreams. Unfortunately, we don't all get our books picked up and published right away. Like in Mr. Abramowitz's case, self e-publication is becoming a standard move now. 

I liked the book so much and wanted the graphic novel version so badly, I basically straight up asked the author to do it. Turns out he really wants the same thing, too!! Sadly, it's gonna have to wait until he can afford to hire an artist to make it happen. Translation: it's gonna take forever and may never happen unless we all get lucky.

Which got me thinking. 

How many artists are out there praying to the Lords of Kobol that they could get a gig helping an author create an illustrated novel? They'd need a portfolio AND preferably some successful paid gigs already under their belt to get higher up on the hiring ladder. Ya' know, boost stats for even better chances at more paid artwork. It's a cruel world. I bet there are talented artists out there with all the tools and supplies rearing to go; artists just waiting for someone to take a chance on them; artists who would gladly partner for free with an author for a real shot at publication. Then, artist and author alike, could both make their time and money back from the book's earnings if it got picked up. IS THAT YOU?

What?!! It's a Wanted poster!!

I would love to see this project happen!!! If you're an artist and want to do something like this, let me know!! I want to see your artwork!! Read the book, see what it inspires, then pitch your ideas to me. I want to work together with Mr. Abramowitz and with you to make it happen. I'd love to follow the project, blog about it, and do what I can to help make it a success. 

It has a greater chance of publication if the book and artwork have already merged and turned into a masterpiece. I want the publishing houses to pick it up and do their thing. I don't want to just go the kickstarter route; enough of us struggle with our finances and can barely afford to buy the product as it is! As a minimum, a visually juiced novel would be more marketable and sell better even as a self-published e-book. Comic books & graphic novels are so much more affordable for the iPad and just as beautiful. We never know what will happen unless we actually try and try again; so, why not?

It's not even just about the project. It's about the underdog winning!! I want to see dreams come true and visions come to fruition. Fight!! Never say die!! LET'S DO THIS!!! 

Tweet at me if you want to make this happen!! We'll DM and discuss the details and I'll talk to the author. Meanwhile, read the book!!! It's available at Amazon right here for less than a Starbuck's coffee!! 

The Incredible Dork


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